46. Music Madness

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A/N: Hey guys! I know I said I was back but then I had so much stuff going on with exams and everything but I will try to be better because I love posting for you guys. I've had this one planned and half written for a few days so I decided to finish it and post it so let me know what you think. I'm thinking part 2? Read it and then let me know if you'd want a part 2 or not :)
Remember, you are loved and strong and beautiful ❤️

You were scrolling through your TikTok, trying to find a popular sound to recreate on your flute- it was your favourite content to make. You had gained quite a few followers in the last few weeks and months. Your job was a musician in an orchestra but you did some social media on the side and it had become quite the success lately. You stopped at a video of someone reacting to Charles Leclerc's song from Spotify. You didn't know much about him or the piece, just that he was an F1 driver and had released a song from his piano and everyone was loving it. You listened to the song a few times and then set up your phone with your iPad on the side for the song. You mostly improvised but matched it to the piano and violin and it ended up sounding really good, if you said so yourself. You edited the video a little and then posted it, not thinking much about it.
Once it was posted, you went back to practicing the music you needed to learn for some shows next week. It was all going well but out of the corner of your eye you could see your phone lighting up every few seconds which was quite distracting. Eventually, you sighed and looked to see what could possibly be interrupting your practice. You saw that all of the notifications were coming from TikTok so you clicked on one of the notifications to see thousands of comments and likes on the video you had posted only 10 minutes ago. Your content was getting popular but not this much. You scrolled through the comments to see if there was anything interesting going on, only to see Charles Leclerc himself had commented "🤩" and liked the video. You could see that he had also added your video to his favourites. You didn't know much about Charles but you knew this was clearly significant. Your smile widened as read his interactions and you liked his comment. You wanted to reply to his comment with something like "possible addition to the song? 😂" but refrained from your silly humour towards a guy as famous as Charles.
After your little interaction, you attempted to get back to practicing but you couldn't get the success of your TikTok out of your head. You put your flute down and decided to do some research on this famous Charles Leclerc to see the actual significance of his appearance in your comment section. You watched some videos of his journey in F1 as well as some of his recent interviews to see what he was like before you turned to his music. You could pick out a few mistakes or parts that didn't quite work with the rest of the piece but he wasn't a professional musician like you so you didn't think too much about it. Aside from one or two mistakes, he was very good, especially because he improvises most of his stuff which takes a lot of skill. Impressive.
It had been a couple of days and you had stayed away from TikTok because you needed to focus on your music for some upcoming concerts. That hadn't stopped the notifications coming in though so you had turned them off but now you decided in your break to have a look and see what had been going on in the past few days. You had some notifications in your DM column which was strange- none of your friends ever messaged you on there and you never had any of your followers messaged you. This video had been a huge hit, especially in the F1 community so you had gained more followers and people were messaging you to tell you how amazing you were. You liked some of the messages and responded to a few.
Then one caught your eye. At the bottom of the list. A name with a blue tick. Charles had messaged you. "Hey, Y/N. I saw your video of you adding some stuff to my song and I wanted to let you know that I loved it. You probably get this all the time but you are very talented. I have a few weeks off and I'm working on some music stuff. I would love your input on some of it and maybe work together. We can get everything sorted for getting you to Monaco so just let me know 😊".
No way. Charles wanted to work with you? What was your life? You had a few concerts in the next week but after that you were free for a couple of weeks so, of course, you agreed. "Hey Charles, thank you so much, it wouldn't have been possible without your amazing song in the first place so it was all you. Of course I would be honoured to do some stuff with you. I have a few concerts next week but after that I'm free for about 2 weeks so whenever is fine. Thank you so much for the opportunity 😁". Now all you had to do was wait for things to get sorted out.
Somehow, you had done all of your concerts and were now messaging Charles to let him know that you were boarding the plane and would see him in a few hours. How had you managed this? Who know and honestly, who cares? It was happening and you couldn't be more happy. Charles seemed like a lovely guy and his team were amazing- what more could you ask for?
Soon enough, you were greeted with the warmth of the Monaco sun on your face as you stood in front of Charles' house, your bags closely by your side. You knocked on the door and looked around from where you were standing. There was no doubt Monaco was perfect and now you understood why people from here were so proud of it. The door opened swiftly and you were greeted by Charles' wide smile. "Hi." You smiled. "I'm Y/N." You held out your hand for him to shake, which he did before he spoke. "I know, I'm Charles. Come in." You turned to grab your bags but he pushed your hand away gently. "Don't worry about those, I'll get them. You just go inside." You nodded and stepped into his house, looking around a little as you walked through into the living room. You went to take off your shoes but Charles, who was closely behind you, told you it was fine, he kept his shoes on all the time so he wasn't bothered.
Before long, you were introduced and in front of his piano where he was showing you some things he was working on. You weren't going to lie, they were all amazing. "There's just a few things I think I need to change but I can't quite figure out what it is yet. You're the musician, did you hear anything you didn't like?"
"Honestly, no. It was amazing. I would just say though, that chord you used in the middle, I think bar 20 or something, yes here," you pointed to the music that he had written to show you. "That first note of the melody needs to go down to a C I think instead of an F. I think because you have a C major chord there it would work better." He played the correction and it sounded better.
"Like that?"
"Exactly like that. That's the only thing I could hear though."
"Can you play something over it? I want to record it at the end of your trip so that I can release it like I did with the other one, if that's okay. As a collab or something. I don't know what they call it in music." He laughed.
"That would be amazing, are you sure?"
"Of course, I wanted to spend some time getting the music perfected so that when you go back home the main bit is done and we can produce it and do final changes over the phone. Only if you want to, of course."
"Yeah, that all sounds great. I will think about what would fit then today and then we can go from there?"
It didn't take long for you to come up with something that fit so you put it in your voice notes and then you practiced all together a few times. By the late afternoon, most of it was fitting and there were only a few things for you to change before you could record but Charles called it a day so he could show you some of Monaco before you went back to your hotel.
"Monaco is a real treasure, Charles. I can see why you're so proud of it. Thank you so much. I better get checked into my hotel but I'll be here tomorrow morning so we can get that song perfected and recorded."
"Can't wait." He smiled and he showed you out.
Later that night, you lay in bed just thinking, like you sometimes did. You were going to be on a song. A real song. On Spotify. How did you get here?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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