10. You're Okay, Ma Cherie

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You were at this weekend's race, as you were every race, to support your beloved boyfriend, Charles Leclerc. You were slammed with work but you never missed a race so you had to go. Charles knew this and had told you not to come as he would be fine without you for a few hours but you knew he was having a stressful race week as the car was not performing to its max so you had insisted you would be fine. You thought it could take your mind off the stress for a few hours anyway.
However, it was far from it and Charles could see it. "Ma cherie, are you okay?" He snapped you out of your thoughts. He was worried about you, you were usually 100% in race mode to support him on Sundays. "Yeah, sorry. What were you saying?" You didn't mean to but you had zoned out while thinking about one of your coworkers, who was causing trouble calling in sick time and time again, causing you to stress. "If you're sure." He said, giving you a disbelieving look but getting back to work as there was a lot to do. Just then, your phone started to ring so you tapped Charles on the shoulder, holding your phone up to let him know where you were going. You stepped out of the garage and into Charles' room in the hospitality so it was quiet. You recognised the number as one from work and you groaned as you picked up. "Hello?"
"Hello, Y/N?" A familiar voice answered on the other side of the phone.
"Yes, speaking." You confirmed.
"Hi Y/N." The sound of your boss's voice filled the speakers. "Is there any chance you could come in today? We are really short-staffed at the moment as Ben has called in sick again and one of the machines is down again."
"You know I don't work on Sundays, right? There's a reason for that." You said, unimpressed. "I'm sorry but I can't today, I'm out at the moment. I can see if Claire or someone can, she's usually pretty good."
"I know, I'm sorry to disturb you. Okay, yep, that sounds good. Thank you."
"It's all good." You said although it really wasn't. She knew you didn't work on Sundays so why did she call you instead of someone else. And just in case all the other things weren't enough, the machine was down again. Just great!
You went back into the garage, wrapping one arm around Charles. He continued to talk to Carlos, not really looking at you but you didn't mind, you knew he was more focused on the race.
After a few minutes, you were back in your thoughts, stressing once again. All of a sudden you felt weak. You thought that this must be what people  felt like when they felt faint. You gripped Charles arm, afraid of falling and passing out. He noticed your sudden tight grip on his arm and turned to you. "Ow, Y/N. What was tha-" he stopped as you started falling. He caught you before your head reached the floor and slowly lowered you down.
You were out for a few minutes and as you opened your eyes, you heard Charles' calming voice reassuring you, "you're okay, ma cherie." He said, holding your hand.
"What happened?" You croaked, rubbing your eyes as the light was too bright. You looked around, noticing you were lying on the floor.
"You fainted but you're okay now. What was that phone call about?"
"Oh nothing, just my boss asking me to come in but I said I couldn't."
"Babe, you're putting it much stress on yourself. You need a break, I can't remember the last time you had a holiday from work." Charles looked at you, worried.
"I'm okay, baby. Honestly." You assured him as he helped you to sit up slowly. He offered you some water from his bottle which you gratefully sipped, relieving your bone dry throat. "Merci. (Thank you)"
"No." He pouted. He was so protective of you sometimes, which made you smile. He then picked you up bridal style and took you to his room, where he placed you on the sofa and sat next to you, rubbing your back in attempts to calm you down.
"You're so cute. Thank you for being concerned but I'm okay. You've got a hard race ahead, you should prepare."
"I'm okay, I'm prepared. I need to make sure you're not going to faint again."
"Okay, you tell me, Dr Leclerc," you giggled, "am I going to be okay?" You messed with him. He caught on and replied, "I think that if you have a break and rest with me you will be okay."
"Why thank you. I will be sure to do that. Now you actually need to go to the grid. I'll be okay, I promise. I'll be watching, I love you, baby." You pointed at the door where one of the engineers was standing, waiting to collect Charles. Charles turned and saw the engineer and then turned back to you, "oh yeah. Okay, je t'aime ma cherie (I love you my darling). I am going to leave you with my engineers to keep you safe until I am back." You shook your head but laughed at his concern still. He zipped his suit up that had been half down around his waist and left the room to go to get his helmet and get to the grid.
You loved that man with every ounce of your being, even if he was very protective of you. Maybe that was just part of his charm.

POV: You Love Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now