39. I'm Going to Miss You

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A/N: Hey guys! I'm actually back this time! (I hope) I'm so happy to be posting again but I have to admit I'm a bit rusty as you can probably tell by this imagine so bare with for a bit. Hope you're all doing amazing and excited for the new season. Drive to survive came out today so I've been watching that and realising how much I've been missing F1 over winter. Also, I'm loving the new content from Instagram of all the testing. It feels too long since we've had new driver content.
Remember, you are loved and strong and beautiful ❤️

"Hey baby. What're you doing?" Charles sat next to you on the bed where you quickly snapped your laptop shut.
"Nothing!" You said almost too quickly. The sudden reaction caused Charles to raise an eyebrow in question but you ignored it. "I was just waiting for you, mon amour." You smiled, hoping it would get you off the hook and it seemed to, for a minute anyway. You didn't want to hide anything from Charles but you also didn't want to show him the university accommodation you were looking at and have to tell him your plans of leaving to go there in a few months, especially since it was around the time he was going into the new F1 season. You knew he would not want to let you go which you worried would affect his results. You two had been inseparable since you became a couple 10 months ago and everything was going perfectly. You didn't want to ruin the most special thing in your life right now. You also knew he would have to know at some point but now was not the time. You wanted to procrastinate it for as long as you could. "Hmmm." He responded suspiciously but said nothing more. You felt guilty but you stood by your decision to not tell him yet.
A few days later, Charles confronted you about it. No, confronted wasn't quite the right word, more like he questioned you gently because that's the kind of person he was- sweet and gentle. "Hey ma chérie."
"Hey." You were watching TV on the sofa in the living room when he sat next to you and gently turned your head towards him.
"Do you promise you'll tell me the 100% truth when I ask you this question?" He looked serious and like he was dreading an answer.
"Of course, what is it?"
"Are you hiding something from me?" He asked, a pleading look in his eye that told you that you needed to lie to keep his heart in one piece. It wasn't huge news but Charles would be affected by it as if you were leaving him and your relationship.
"Of course not, mon amour. We don't keep things from each other, right?" You tried to reassure him but it was hard when you knew the exact opposite of what you were saying was true.
"That's what I thought but you've been more secretive lately and I'm worried about you. I want you to know that I love you and support you no matter what so you can tell me anything." Damn, he really knew how to pull on the heartstrings. You had to tell him now.
"I know, there is one thing actually."
"What?" He sounded let down.
"I know I should have told you but I was scared about your reaction and if you would think I don't love you anymore. I've been accepted into university and I'm going to take it. It means I have to leave in a few months and I won't be able to travel with you anymore but I will still support you and love you always."
"You're accepting it?" He looked understanding but sad.
"Yeah, sorry. It's been a dream of mine for years and I finally feel ready."
"How long have you known?" He looked down.
"3 weeks. I promise I was going to tell you straight away but then I started overthinking, you know how I do and I just couldn't."
"I'm happy for you and I know how much this means to you but I'm going to miss you, baby. And I'm kind of upset that you wouldn't tell me."
"I know I'm sorry. I'm going to miss you too but I've not left yet, okay? You've still got me for a few months so why don't we make the most of it before we can't see each other for ages? You know there's a new Italian place that opened down the road that I've been waiting to check out. We could go." You smiled and he smiled back at you.
"Then what are you waiting for, let's go!" He picked you up and threw you over his shoulder and carried you towards the door.
"Charles! I need to get ready, I can't go in my pyjamas." You laughed and hit his back playfully. He sighed and put you down.
"I think you look fine like that but I suppose you could get changed." He sighed which made you laugh.
You got ready and then left to an amazing date with the mist amazing person on the planet, just enjoying time with him. You were going to miss him and his cuteness.

POV: You Love Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now