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Clay's pov:
I hear sobbing coming from inside George's room. Thunder crashes and lightning lights up the dark sky, rain hits loudly on the roof repeatedly. I open George's room to see him curled up in a corner. "Gogy are you okay?" I ask concerned. "I-I'm fine" he mutters still sobbing. I walk over to him and sit next to him. "You sure?" I ask softly. Thunder booms outside the window, and he flinches. I hug him tightly, and pull him on my lap. Lightning illuminates the night sky before a loud crashing noise is heard. He flinches. "Shhh" I hum while whispering comforting nothing in his ear. I rub circles on his back while playing with his hair. He snuggles his head into my chest, while I wrap my arms protectively around his waste. "I love you dream" he mumbles leaving me shocked. "I love you to gogy" I exclaim while I kiss his forehead. He closes his eyes and fall asleep. I stare at him sleeping peacefully, before I turn my head to look at the ceiling. Thunder crashes again, he winces. I place a quick peck on his forehead. He eases as a soft snore escapes his cherry tinted lips. I place my chin on his head and fall asleep.

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