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Clays pov:
I sit at the table with sapnap and Karl. We chat for awhile before I feel someone eyeing me. I glance back to see George looking away from whatever he was doing. I smile and then turn back to the group. "Ooh" Karl sings "clays got a boyfriend, Clays got a boyfriend". "Shut up" i whisper. He continues to sing that stupid tune until i eye sapnap. I look over at him my eyes pleading before he finally sighs. He moves over to Karl, and kisses him. "Karl's got a boyfriend, Karl's got a boyfriend" Sapnap seductively coos in his ear. Karl blushes a deep red. "S-shut up i-idiot" he sputters. I burst out laughing as sapnap picks Karl up and places him in his lap. I hear quiet footsteps slowly walking over to us. I feel someone grab my arm, as I look behind me I hear a quiet whisper "mine" it was really hard to hear. I see George standing there his grip getting tighter by the seconds. I turn back around to the group. Their wiggling their eyebrows up and down. I start a random conversation before I feel a pair of arms wrap around my neck. They rest their chin on my head. I look at them it turns out "they" are George. "Mine..!" he growls over at Karl and sapnap. Karl cuddles closer to sapnap and sapnap mouths 'control your man" I grab onto George's arm, "I'm all yours" I whisper to where only he can hear. He blushes a deep dark red. I chuckle while he smiles "I'm glad" he coos in my ear. Chills run down my spine. We smile In unison before he quickly pecks my cheek.

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