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                        Clays pov:
     Flashback (Friday midnight)
He was shot. Blood gushing out of the bullet wound in his head. Thud.
The day before (Thursday 6:00 pm)
"Hey babe" my boyfriend George calls out. "Yeah love?" I respond. "I think we should go to this hotel" he points to a hotel that's 3 miles away. We are just now moving out of our house to one in Florida. "Sure!" I say enthusiastically. He books a reservation. We grab our suit cases and leave.
At the hotel
We arrive at the hotel and walk up to the front desk. "Reservation" the lady asks. "George Davidson" he says to the lady. "Room 567" she says handing us the key "enjoy your stay" she yells after us. As soon as we are out of reach, I mumble "I have a bad feeling about her.". "Why?" George asks. "I just do" i mutter. We walk into the room and put our stuff down. We Change and then hop in the bed. "I love you" he whispers in my ear. "I love you to, George Davidson" i say mocking him from earlier. He chuckles. "Good night" we say in unison before closing our eyes and sleeping.
Friday (7:39 pm)
"Babe" George says gently shaking me awake. "Mhm" i groan. "It's 7:40 pm wake up" he mumbles. I get up groggily and change. I take his had and we go get something to eat. "It's after dinner ya'know" George calls out. "So?" I reply. We walk out the hotel and down a couple streets
"We are lost aren't we?" I ask. "Pretty much" he admits. We hear footsteps coming closer to us. We turn in the direction of the noise and see the lady from the desk. She has a gun in her pocket. All the sudden I feel a pain in the back of my head. I black out
I wake up and see George tied up to the chair. I see the lady holding the gun to his head. She looks at me and smiles. Pow! She shot him.
Present time
Thud! His body falls to the ground while I crawl over to him. She drops the gun and runs away. I put my hands behind his head and kiss him. I feel a small kiss back. Then I feel him go limp under my hands and I taste blood in my mouth. I pick up the gun she dropped and place it to my head. "I love you George" I say before- pow.

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