Hide or die

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(I realize that this is wayy after their meet up but idc right now)
          George's pov:
I run. We run. In matter of fact I'm running with the famous clay. In reality. Not just Minecraft! I'm excited but it's no time to party. We are playing a in real life manhunt. Nick is hunting and has 15 minutes. Except if we loose you die.... Of embarrassment, of course! If you get caught you have to post an embarrassing photo of yourself on twitch. I really don't wanna do that,
But if we survive all 15 minutes Nick has to post something embarrassing! "Ohh George and Clay~" nick calls "come here! I wanna show you something!". Clay looks around then suddenly grabs my hand and pulls me behind a bush. "Cla-" I get cut off by a hand on my mouth. He raises a finger to his lips and does a small "shush". I nod alarmed. He takes his hand off my mouth but before he can take his hand back, I grab it. He turns pink and looks at me. He tilts his head. I smile and place a small kiss on his hand. I slowly crease his hand, occasionally kisses it."Ugh where are y'all!" Nick calls frustrated "I wanna get this over with so I can make out with Karl" he frowns. "Whatever!" He storms away. Clay looks at me and smirks. He crawls on top off me and I blush. "Wanna play that way kitten?" He coos in my ear "then we'll play that way". Clay looks down at me and slowly leans in. When his lips are only millimeters away from mine, and I can feel his breath on mine. I start to get a little horny. "Kiss me already b(female dog)" I quietly whisper. His eyes widen before doing what i said. But it wasn't even a real kiss! It was only a peck! That I was not having! I scowl, before grabbing his face and roughly kissing him. I flip him over that way I'm on top of him. I slowly kiss from his lips down his neck until he lets out a soft sound. Now I'm getting more horny! I really don't need to get so horny I get a boner. I continue to suck and lick at the spot he reacted to. He would let out small moans here and there which only made me want him more. I was about to strip his shirt when- the alarm went off. Frick that alarm! I was enjoying myself ya'know! Nick came running near us. "The alarm rang!" He sings "I can make out with Karl now b(female dogs)! Haha! Come out!". Me and clay slowly arrive from the bush. We end out making Nick post this(which he didn't mind at all):

 We end out making Nick post this(which he didn't mind at all):

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It was fun, I look forward to the next time!

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