Always there for you

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                    Clays pov:
I walk outside, and see my best friend crying. The sad brunette stands holding his books. "Hey George what's wrong" I go up to him and ask. "N-nothing" he stutterers. "Don't lie to me" I say sternly. "S-some kids found out I was gay" he says. I put my arm around his neck. "Well if they don't like you cause of that then their missing out!" I hum.
"Thanks clay" he stumbles. "No problem" I wink at him. He blushes. "Well you can't be gay without a crush, who is he!" I demand. He takes a deep breath. "You'd hate me for this" he looks up at the sky. "I could never!" I shout. "Stop shouting clay, I'll tell you." He whispers. "I have a crush on" he pauses "you". It's hardly audible but I hear it. I blush. "Your kidding, right" I ask. "No I'm not. Told you you'd hate me" He says. "I lock my arm around his neck even tighter. "I could never hate you, no matter what!" I pause "I love you too George" i coo in his ear. Then I place a small kiss on his cheek. "Wanna come too mine?" I wink at him. "S-sure" he sounds nervous. "We can order pizza!" I boom. "Sure clay, whatever you want" he smiles. I smirk. "I can have you then right? Your what I want" I hum in his ear. "S-sure" he bushes. "Come in then!" I grab his wrist and lead him to my house

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