Mean girls

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                Clays pov:
Mr.Clarke put us in pairs. I'm with some kid named George Davidson? He wants us to learn about each other and blah blah blah. George walks up to me "Clay correct?" His honey sweet British accent is gonna be the death of me. I sheepishly nod. "Well then, I'm George Henry Davidson or a some call me- Regina George" He smiles. "That's my favorite movie; Mean girls it's awesome" I say. "Omg me to!" He squeals "Mean girl movie after school?" He holds out his hand. I take it and we shake hands. "Of course"

Me and George walk to his house. He's really funny and I got his number! Once we arrive at his house it's already dark. It's only 5:39 tho (daylight savings). He leads me to his couch. "Sit!" He demands as I simply listen. He turns on the tv the grabs the mean girls disk and puts it in the movie player. He sits down next to me as the movie starts. I feel something on my hand. It feels warm and soft. I grab it and interlock it with my hand. I notice George blushing from the corner of my eye. Then I realize that I'm holding his hand! I look at him and slowly pull him towards me. I pull him on my lap and stare at his lips. He notices and slowly leans in towards me. I kiss him. I KISSED GEORGE DAVIDSON! A HOT ENGLISH PERSON! deep breaths. Deep breaths. It felt kinda nice so I kiss him again. Until it turns to a heated make out session. I look at George, his hair all messed up, his bright red cheeks, his really loud panting makes me want to do that again. But I don't. I look him in the eyes "Be my boyfriend?" I whisper. "Y-yeah o-of c-course" he whispers back.  I kiss him again and we may have gone a little bit farther then before. But hey, he's cute, he's nice, and he's good in bed! 3 for 1 deal! Oh and 1 more he's mine.

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