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George's pov:
I wake up with a pounding headache and my wonderful boyfriend's strong arms protectively wrapped around me. I gently shake him "clay did I get wasted last night" I ask. "No why" he mumbles angry that I woke him up. "My head hurts" I whisper cuddling into his chest. He places his hand to my head,"oh god angel, your burning!" He yells. "Im cold clay" i grunt. He sits up and takes of his green hoodie. "Here" he hands me his hoodie. I slowly sit up and pull his hoodie over my head. "It looks better on you than it does me!" He exclaims (get the reference?!). "You look cute" he whispers in awe. I close my eyes really hard and put my hand up to my mouth. "Can you get me an Advil?" I ask. "Sure, brb!" He says softly. He comes back 5 minutes later will an advil and a glass of water. "Here" he hand me the glass. "Thanks" I mutter. I swallow the pill and drink the water. I grab onto clays wrist and pull him into the bed. We end out cuddling for a while occasionally exchanging a kiss.

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