The Track teams newest perfect recruit

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*George's pov I just don't wanna do what I normally do*

I've been on the track team for about 5 years now. I'm sitting at practice talking to a kid on my track team; Liam. Me and Liam continue to chat until we hear coach smith blow his whistle. "Gather up! Gather up!" He calls. "We have a new recruit today! This is clay" he says once we're all there. Clay around my age if not my exact age. But don't get me started on him. HES FREKEN' ATTRACTIVE! His Emerald eyes his sandy blonde hair, his fragile but yet muscular body. It's all spells perfect! See?
Exactly my type
Edible lips

See I told you! His eyes wonder my way and a light shade of pink comes on his face. "Yo clay!" I yell ditching Liam. "I'm George!" I exclaim. He smiles. HIS SMILE! Omfg it's perfect! "Wanna hang out after practice?" I ask him. "Sure" he smiles again. HIS VOICE TOO?! how could he get any more perfect?! "Sweet" I calmly say.

*after practice*

Me and clay chat while walking home. P.E.R.F.E.C.T! I can tell he's a lot more nervous around me then any of the other members. I take his hand and drag him into my house. His hand fits perfectly in mine, like a missing puzzle piece in a puzzle. I don't take my hand away from his and the other way around as well. I can see him biting his lip. I wonder if... I smash my lips on his without thinking. I automatically get a kiss back. "Omg I'm so-" I get cut off by his lips on mine. "Don't apologies" he sighs. I kiss him again as our one simple kiss turns out into a heated make out session.

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