I cant live without You

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Flash back
Clays pov:
They take him away. In cuffs. I know he didn't do it. I know it! The Caleb grins at me. "Thank you so much officer!" He crys. "Your welcome" the officer smiles. "He would of killed us if it weren't for you" he compliments. The officer grins before getting in his car and zooming away

I heard the news. George is being executed.

I smile grabbing my boyfriend's hand. I untwine our fingers and squeeze his hand slightly. "We're do you wanna eat?" I ask him. "I don't really care, you can pick" he responds. "How about Hamilton?" I ask. He nods and we walk off to Hamilton. We walk in Hamilton and get a table. A few minutes of me and George chatting a blonde boy walks up to our table. "My name is Caleb, What can I get for y'all to drink" he asks eyeing me a soft pink spreading across his cheeks. "Water please" George says while the Caleb scribbles it down. "F-for you?" He looks at me. "I'll get a water as well" I reply. He scribbles that down as well and walks of. For the rest of dinner I see Caleb eyeing me.

Once we arrive home George and I shower. Not together. Sadly. We change into different clothes and get in bed holding each other as close as we can.

Next day 4:12 pm
Me and George are going on a walk. We stumble across a passed out boy in an alley. Then Caleb walks in the alley. He dials 911 and starts screaming. "There's a brunette in the alley with me who I saw hit him on the back of the head! There's also a dirty blonde boy but he didn't do it! He just walked in!" He screams.

Soon the police show up putting cuffs on George.

They take him away. In cuffs. I know he didn't do it! I know it! Caleb grins at me. "Thank you so much officer!" He crys. "Your welcome" the officer smiles. "He would've killed us if it weren't for you!" He compliments. The officer grins before getting in his car and zooming away.

I heard the news. George is being executed. Today. At 5:30?!That's in five minuets. I hear a gun shot and a scream. George's scream. I check the time there on my phone there on my screen in big numbers is 5:30. I can't live without him.

I walk to the kitchen and grab a knife. I take it and stab it in my heart. I feel warm red liquid running down my chest. "I love you" I say to George before falling on the ground "bye-by-"

Hello! I've started a new story!!!!!

The tags are: #enimestolovers #gay #lovestory and #nevertrustacarter

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The tags are: #enimestolovers #gay #lovestory and #nevertrustacarter


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