Chapter 4 - The Longest hour of my life

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, it's characters and other copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Title of story

Chapter 4 – The Longest hour of my life.

No one's POV

Looking up at the darkened upstairs window of Ryder Daniel's house, I now felt sick, not just to my stomach, but my whole being. "Oh my god".

I immediately started to the front door of the Daniel's home, but froze after about 10 feet.

Pausing I took a deep breath. "I have to think this through, if I charge in there like a crazy person, this could backfire." I thought. "Be smart Jade."

Realizing that me standing alone out on the sidewalk at night might just get the cops called on me by some nosy neighbor, I elected to return to the car. Once inside, I began to piece this all together.

"Tori has some sort of deal with Ryder." I said out loud.

"But one Ryder can alter at will by adding another day during the week for Tori's visits." I continued as my stomach began to churn even faster.

Unless their playing monopoly in the dark, Tori is sleeping with him. Just the thought of it made me ill. Putting my mind back to business, I surmised that her crying and her actions during the last 3 weeks, indicated she was being forced into it. This is no deal, it's blackmail.

My blood began to boil at the thought of that piece of shit, forcing Tori to sleep with him. I found myself having to fight off the urge to kick in the front door and kick his ass into next week.

Again, I started to think it through. "If I just burst into that house, he has all the advantage and I'll never get back what he has on Tori. He would just destroy it and get away with it. Not to mention me being an intruder I would wind up under arrest or even worse. If that asshole had a gun, he could simply blow my damn head off. If Tori was calling for help that be one thing, but she wasn't."

"Fuck!" I roared in frustration.

I had to do something to shut this fucker down for good. I hated scum like this.

Sadly, there was absolutely nothing I could do about it at the moment. For the next hour, I sat there in the car. Sitting there, in something I would later call, the longest hour of my life. I simply hated thinking about his grubby hands over her body.

"I'm so sorry Tori" I said looking in the direction of the darkened house.

It also occurred to me that, eventually he'd just do it to someone else.

Other than an occasional passing car it was deadly silent and dark. All I had for company was my thoughts and my guilt. Just thinking of it brought back a rather painful memory from my own past. Part of the reason I hated parasites like Ryder. I tried to force the memory back, but it invaded conscious thoughts.

"Don't tell your parents" The voice said, as it crept out of recesses of my memory.

"Stop it, stop it, stop it" I yelled putting her hands to the side of my head.

For me, the memory of this hour would last long past this night. Lingering as a terrible memory for years to come, a source of endless guilt and feelings of helplessness.

Another part of me wanted to run, flee, forget this ever happened and just pretend I didn't know anything. A different less familiar part of me simply would not allow it. I had to be there until Tori left. I had to know she was safe.

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