Chapter 5 - The ugly truth

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, Its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

That which we face.

Chapter 5 - The ugly truth

Jades POV

"How did you know about me?" she asked as she composed herself slightly but still visibly shaken.

"I was the only one, other than Sikowitz who saw through your little, everything's fine act. I just got suspicious and I guess it turns out I'm a halfway decent detective."

Tori seemed to think for a moment.

"That's why dinner last night?" She asked.

"Yes, I wanted to try and find out what was going on. I am sorry for the bad evening, I really am. I had to see what was on your phone."

She looked at me as tears began to flow again. "What can I do, he said if I even talk to the cops or my dad, the pictures will get instantly released? I'm so afraid. Maybe we won't have to involve my dad."

"I'm sorry Tori but you need to go to the police. You have no choice." I said sadly.

"But why, you said you were going to do something, can't we just leave it at that?"

I could tell she was terrified.

"I could just threaten to kill him and Todd if the pictures ever got released and I plan to but those assholes would just do it to some other girl or girls. We need to see that they never do this again. I may be a cold-hearted bitch and proud of it, but I'm not a monster. Ryder on the other hand is a fucking parasite; he'll just keep doing over and over. Either to Tori or some other girl that has the misfortune to cross paths with him"

"You're not a cold-hearted bitch Jade." Tori said quietly.

"Just don't tell anyone, you'll ruin my reputation." I said with a smirk in an effort to try and cheer her up.

Tori weakly smiled.

I sat down next to Tori. "I'm sorry but you will need to tell your dad. He can get a search warrant and seize Ryder and Todd's computer. I'll even go with you." I said taking Tori's hand. I did that without thinking, it just seemed natural.

"There is one other thing."

"What?" I asked

"I think they are doing it to someone else. I overheard Ryder talking on the phone the other night. He thought I was downstairs but I was outside his door when he was talking to Todd"

"Look Tori, I know your scared. I'll go with you and if by some chance those pic's get released Ryder and Todd will have to deal with me." I said making a rather evil grin.

She nodded I don't blame her for not saying anything. She felt trapped and scared. I'm all too familiar with that feeling for reasons I don't like to think about.

"Come on let's find you father and talk to him. Is he at the station house?"

Tori nodded again.

"Let's go."

20 minutes later we were both walking into the station house where Tori's dad worked. The nearer we got to the station house the more nervous she became. By the time we got to the door she was practically shaking.

I just took her hand which seemed to calm her down and walked her inside.

The desk sergeant, a older man who looked to be nearing retirement, seemed to recognize Tori. "Hi Tori, visiting your dad today."

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