Chapter 25 - Frog and Toad

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

That which we face.

Chapter 25 – Frog and Toad

Tori's Pov

Surprised at Lisa's change of mind, I nodded. "Why yes, of course we can talk."

Lisa thought for a moment, "Can we meet a little later, after my last appointment of the day?"

"Sure, when?"

"How about 5 o'clock this afternoon. Where would you like to meet?"

"There is a restaurant near my school, it's called Nozu. It's in the 400 block of Briarwood. How about there?"

"I'll find the place. I'd like to meet this Jade too." Lisa said.

"She's not speaking to me at the moment but I'll get her there somehow."

"Thanks. I'll see you at 5 then." Lisa then stepped back from the car.

I drove from the parking lot and headed home. Things were working out hopefully. I got home but no one was there, so I just relaxed and watched TV. I was hoping that Jade would have called or texted but I'm still getting the silent treatment. At about 4:30 I got in my car and headed to Nozu.

I decided to wait until I arrived at Nozu before, I texted Jade. I wanted a few minutes to talk to Lisa before Jade showed up. If she showed up.

To Jade: I know you're still mad at me but would you please meet me at Nozu. We need to talk.

Oddly, she responded right way.

To Tori: NO!

I gritted my teeth in frustration. She's being stubborn. I responded again.

To Jade: Then you won't find out the news, I need to tell you. Sucks to be you then.


To Jade: Stop being a baby, show up and you will find out. I'll be at Nozu.

Done with the texting, I put my phone on silent and went inside. Calling her a baby would almost certainly send her through the roof but as long as she ended up here.

I found Lisa sitting at the counter, looking slightly nervous. Sitting down next to her I said

"Hi Lisa, I see you found the place. Thanks for coming."

Lisa gave me a nervous smile. "You're welcome, is Jade coming?"

"She will be, I kind of had to piss her off to do it. She's a bit stubborn sometimes."

Lisa quickly laughed. "Her mother was exactly the same way. Before I forget, I just wanted to thank you, for the way you approached the subject. Most people would have just walked straight into my life and just dumped all that on my me. You did it in a way where I could say no and not be embarrassed about it. Thank You."

I thought for a moment. "Why did you change your mind? I wasn't going to bother you ever again, honest. Had you let me leave you would have never heard from me again."

Lisa bowed her head and began to speak quietly. "Lori and I had been together for just over a year, we were very much in love and planning a future together. Until the day her parents found us in bed. My parents tore me from her arms that night. That was the last time I ever saw her. I've never gotten over it and I doubt Lori has either. I have no idea if we could be together again, but at the very least some part of me, just needs to see her, just needs to know she is ok." ,She sighed as a single tear came to her eye. "It's killed me all these years that I've never known what happened to Lori. I saw you leave and suddenly realized that you were my last chance to find out how Lori is. I couldn't let that chance pass me by. Do you understand?"

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