Chapter 15 - A real date

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

That which we face.

Chapter 15 – A real date.

Tori's POV

When I awoke, I found I was alone. It was disappointing, to be certain, as I was looking forward to waking in Jade's arms. As I shook the sleep for my eyes, I could see it was just after 10 in the morning.

No sooner had I saw up, then Jade came in. She was wearing a black bathrobe and it appeared she had just showed. Her hair was freshly dried and though she wasn't wearing any makeup, she looked gorgeous.

I smiled and remembered how Jade doesn't like talk much in the morning. So, I kept it straight and to the point.

"Sleep Ok, Jade?"

Seeming to ignore me, she walked to the dresser and began to pull out some clothes.

"Yes, I did. Thank you."

I couldn't help but smile. "You're welcome. I did too. It seems that we both sleep better, when we're pressed up against each other. Who on earth would have guessed."

Waiting for some sort of response, I watched as Jade pulled what she needed from her dresser and closed it. Then she walked to her closet and pulled out a black top.

It was only then did she turn and face me and smirked darkly. "Who would have guessed you'd be so habit forming. I must see if there's a 12-step program for that."

Still happy, despite the subtle insult, I then thought for a moment then asked. "You know, how about we do something today. Have a real date."

Jade paused as she was about do dress herself and gave me a rather unpleasant expression. "Why on earth would I want to do that?"

Undeterred, I grinned. "Because, it's kind of hard to date someone without actually going on dates with that person. Who knows, you may actually like it."

"That's what I'm afraid of."

I then, reached out, took her hand and pulled her next to me on the bed. Before I could be insulted again, reached my arms around her neck and pulled her in for a nice and somewhat sloppy kiss. I felt a tingle all over my body, just kissing her.

After a moment I broke the kiss and tilted my head. "That's why, you'd want to do that? How about we go to the beach together or attend that music festival I hear is going on in Long beach."

Jade shook her head then smiled. "I suppose you're right." She then took a deep breath and exhaled. "You talked me into it. But I can't until tonight."

"Why" I said with a pout.

"Because I have homework to do. And I'm sure you do as well."

She then seemed to grow serious, but took my hand. "No offence, but I also need to be alone for a while. Just kind of digest this all."

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed, but knew Jade was right. I did have homework to do and after all that happened, Jade would need some alone time. I'm sure I probably needed it too.

"We still good?" I couldn't help but ask.

With her trademark smirk, Jade kissed me and got up. "Damn good. I couldn't have made it through the last few days without you. How about we go out tonight for dinner. You chose, I'll pay. Then maybe if we're up to it, we can take a nice little romantic walk. Would that be a satisfactory date?"

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