Chapter 6 - Old Ghost's

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Disclaimer, The show victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

That which we face.

Chapter 6 – Old Ghost's

Note: I deal with very delicate subject matter in this chapter. Be warned.

No One's POV

Jade West lay in bed sleeping, tossing and turning; almost violently, as her nightmare took hold.

"Just touch it." The man's voice said.

"I don't want to."

"If you touch it, I'll give you candy."

"I don't know"

"It's perfectly ok" the man continued.

"Is it?"

Jade snapped awake out of her nightmare gasping for breath. She quickly realized her hands were shaking.

She closed her eyes and put her hands to the side of her head.


"All the stupid shit in my life I forget, why can't I forget that." She bellowed out, to the emptiness of her room.

"Why? I didn't do anything wrong, why did it happen to me?" She screamed as tears came to her eyes.

It was part of that old extremely unpleasant memory, that got dredged up from her dealing with Tori's problem. It was part of the reason she had a particular dislike for anyone victimizing someone like that.

"Oh God" She muttered while trying to forget that feeling of total helplessness and fear that came with that memory.

Jade looked at the clock, it was 9:34. She was exhausted after the day's events and had lain down soon after coming home from school and had fallen asleep. She had drifted into a nightmare shortly before waking up.

She looked at her phone which she had put on silent. Beck had called twice, Cat once but Tori not at all. That bothered her.

She didn't know quite why but within minutes she was on her way to Tori's house, not even remotely caring what Beck called about.

She arrived at the Vega home and knocked on the door. Tori's mom answered it. It appeared she had been crying recently which was of little surprise to Jade.

"Hello Jade." She said

"Can I see Tori? I was just checking up on her."

"Come in, I'll check if she's up to visitors."

She turned to walk up the stairs but paused and turned around.

For a moment it appeared that Mrs. Vega was about to cry, but composed herself. "Jade, I can't thank you enough for your helping Tori, it means so much to David and I."

Jade nodded "You're welcome."

Mrs. Vega went up the stairs and disappeared as Trina came down the stairs. Like her mother, she also appeared to have been recently crying. For a second she looked at Jade with her usual look of scorn but that quickly changed into one of deep shame.

"Thank you, Jade." Trina said quietly.

Jade did think that Trina should have watched her sister better at the party and even noticed her odd behavior afterward, but was too self-centered to notice anything unusual. Part of her was tempted to rip Trina a new one, but the Vega family had suffered a tremendous blow and didn't need any more problems.

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