Chapter 18 - This and that

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

That which we face.

Chapter 18 – This and that.

Tori's POV

I went upstairs with Jade and we snuggled on the bed while we watched TV in my room. The outburst at the mall seems to have taken a lot out of me. We watched the movie the Hangover which we've both seen, but I just wanted to see something funny.

I was feeling a bit depressed, worrying about what my friends would think about me. What they would say or do. My worst fear would be that my secret would get out. Though my parents' positive reaction to my coming out was welcome news and a great weight off my shoulders.

Even before my encounter with Ryder, I had been having doubts about my sexuality. Me paying just a bit more attention to Jade's leg's than normal or just that feeling that I wanted to be near women much more than men.

Jade seemed a bit distracted herself, worried about her own parents' reaction I would guess. Mostly during the movie Jade quietly held me during the movies. She did seem to enjoy the movie. When the movie was done, we decided to watch the classic comedy Caddyshack. We needed some mindless fun. It's just fun cuddling with Jade. When the movie was done, dinner was ready so we joined my parents and sister.

Sitting down, Trina immediately sneered at Jade. "Is she going to make a habit of eating with us?

Before my parents could scold Trina, looked at her in a hurt fashion. "You mean you don't want to be my bestie. After all, were practically sisters now. Now what am I going to do with my friendship bracelet?"

"Trina, behave." Said my dad.

Almost at the same time, I chided Jade in a similar fashion. "Jade, be nice."

She immediately looked at me with horror. "You want me to be nice, what's wrong with you?"

"You know what I mean."

Jade shrugged and began eating.

The rest of dinner went uneventfully, with my parents asking Jade a few questions about herself. Once dinner was done, Jade and I went back upstairs.

Once inside, she pulled me into a soft and tender kiss. It was delightful.

Once the kiss was done Jade announced. "I'm sleeping over."

"So, you just say your sleeping over now!"

Jade nodded. "Yes. Besides, my girl had a bad day. So Big bad Jade has no intention of letting you sleep alone tonight. Have a problem with that?"

I quickly grinned like a fool. "No. and just think, Jade cares."

Jade quickly scoffed. "Stupid Vega, made me care."

"On a serious note, Jade. We told my parents, when are you going to tell yours?"

Jade thought for a moment. "I'm tempted to right away, but the funeral was just the other day. So probably not the best of ideas. That and I don't want to deal with them now. We can next Saturday. Sound good?"


She then left to get some things for the next day and quickly returned. We watched TV and participated in my current favorite pastime, cuddling with Jade.

When it was bed, we both got ready and went to bed. Once there, Jade wordlessly took me in her arms where I quickly fell into a contented sleep.

No One's POV

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