Chapter 12 - You did what at the lunch table?

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone

That which we face

Chapter 12 – You did what at the lunch table?

No One's POV

Jade wasn't sure who she was madder at. Beck for being a total jerk or Tori for needlessly freaking out.

After slamming her locker shut Jade made a beeline for the broom closet to see if Vega was there.

Bursting in she encountered only the Janitor who was using the closet for it intended purpose and gathering some cleaning supplies.

"Do you mind? I'm almost done here." The janitor said in an annoyed tone.

Jade huffed in frustration and left slamming the door behind her.

"OK Vega, where are you hiding?" Jade muttered to herself.

Jade made a quick check of the bathroom which contained no Vega.

Jade was getting more frustrated and worried. The bell for the first class had already run but Jade could care less. She even walked past Tori's first class and didn't see her in it.

"Think Jade." She said to herself. If Tori is upset, she needs a place quiet where there will be nobody.

Suddenly she had an idea and tore off down the hall way.

A few moments later Jade burst into the empty Black Box theatre. Empty except a crying Tori Vega sitting on the stage.

Tori looked up to see a very annoyed looking Jade West walking directly to her.

"Are you done freaking out now?" Jade barked.

"I was just afraid that you and Beck would get back together. I heard him say I love you and I just couldn't think of losing you so soon." She said as she continued to cry.

Jade's Pov

I sat down next to Tori and put my hand on her shoulder. She seemed to avoid my gaze.

"Tori look at me."

Tori hesitated, so I put my hand on her chin and moved her face so she was facing me.

"You didn't need to run away. I'm sorry you had to see that but all I did was shoot Beck down. Look Tori, I need you, today especially. There isn't much holding me together and I don't need my girlfriend needlessly freaking out."

Tori's eyes suddenly opened as wide as they could.

"Girlfriend?" she said as a smile came to her mouth.

I suddenly felt a rush of embarrassment. "Ok, well, er..uh. That kind of just slipped out." Not wanting to depress her even further I added. "It's only a matter of time anyway if you stop freaking out every time Beck looks at me."

She just threw her arms around me and hugged me, actually more like squeezed me so dam tight that I could barely breathe. I loved every second of it.

She finally released me and gave me a kiss. "I'm your girlfriend." She said in a really goofy tone of voice.

"I'm beginning to regret it already." I said standing up.

Tori's Pov

Jade took my hand and walked me to the door.

"I'm sorry if I freaked out Jade. I just saw you with Beck and kind of panicked." I felt stupid and embarrassed for needlessly freaking out.

She breathed out and put her forehead against mine while gazing into my eyes. Just looking into them I felt like I was falling. Not in a bad way but just falling.

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