Chapter 20 - Ghosts and wolves

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Disclaimer, The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

That which we face

Chapter 20 – Ghosts and Wolves

No one's POV.

Lori West hadn't uttered Lisa's name in years. She felt a tearing in her heart every time she did. As if she were a ghost, Lisa continued to haunt her memory. It seemed like such a long time ago, and of course it was.

After Jade and Tori left to go upstairs Lori just sat down at her desk. Ignoring the deposition, she needed to review, she pulled the box of memories closer to her. It was a small metal box and all she had remained of Lisa.

She was envious of her daughter, being able to be with the person she wanted to be with while she couldn't.

She pulled out the pictures and little mementos that were collected in the box one by one. Each one triggering a different bittersweet memory. There was a picture of Lisa at the beach in her red bikini, a valentine day's card, a ticket stub to a Duran Duran concert, plus many others. Each memento, old but cherished, reminded her of how strong the relationship once was.

She couldn't help but wonder what Lisa was doing at that very moment as she gazed out of the window.

Her mind drifted back to that terrible night where they were found out and separated. "Lori I love you." That was the last thing Lisa had ever said to her. Screamed actually, as her father shoved her in the family car. Lori's heart was never the same after that. She eventually met Jade's father, fell in love and married but there was always a part of her heart that still belonged to Lisa.

To Lori West, the memory of that painful night felt like a knife imbedded deeply in her soul. After 28 years she was still unable to extract it or the pain it caused her. Over the years she became accustomed to the pain, able to ignore it, even forget it for a while. But it never went away.

When Jade just assumed that she didn't understand, Lori felt like Jade had taken that knife and twisted it. Plunged it deeper into her soul.

Lori knew that Jade didn't know what she was doing. She was just being head strong and stubborn as she usually was. Still it hurt, like an old wound that never healed and probably never would.

Lori looked at the mementos for a few minutes before replacing them carefully in the box and closing it.

Before she returned her attention to the work at hand, she sat there looking out the window for a moment.

"Lisa" she said sadly.

Jade sat down on her bed after coming upstairs to get her stuff. Her mind was still spinning from the revelation she had just uncovered.

A tremendous sense of guilt descended upon her as she thought about it.

"I had no idea, Tori. I just was so angry and stupid."

Tori sat down and wrapped her arm around Jade who leaned against Tori for support.

"You didn't mean to; your mom knows that." Tori said trying to comfort her.

"She's right you know. I am quick to judge sometimes, I do have a nasty habit of jumping to conclusions."

"Kind of what Beck did."

Jade looked at Tori with surprise. "I never thought of that. I did the same thing that he did. Just jumped to a conclusion and kept pressing it until someone cracked."

"We're only human" Tori said as she gently rubbed Jades back with her hand.

"I still feel stupid."

"I'll punch you in the face if it will make you feel better." Tori Joked.

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