Chapter 19 - Déjà vu.

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

That which we face.

Chapter 19 – Déjà vu.

Tori's POV

We were out to my parents, my friends and my school. Which was great. I love being able to hold Jade's hand in public. She's so beautiful and she's with me. Jade however didn't fee like dealing with her parents right away. I understand that, her relationship with them isn't nearly as close as I am to mine. Besides, she wanted the dust to settle from her grandfather's funeral. So I decided to be patient.

Two weeks had gone by and Jade and I went out several more times. We went to a under 21 dance club and danced the night away. We went to the movies and made out. We had dinner a few times. Jade even slept over a couple of times. It's all still new. Jade and I are still getting to know each other. We're not always on the same page every time. Plus I still have the guilt and shame leftover from the whole thing with Ryder. Jade is super supportive of me in that respect.

It was a Friday and we had just gotten back to my house from school and we were lying on my bed, watching tv.

All of a sudden Jade said out of nowhere. "Let's come out to my parents."

"You sure?"


"Any particular reason, now."

Jade shrugged. "I just want to. Besides, might as well get this over with. Besides, I want to show you off. You're my girl and that's that."

I moved off the bed. "Let's go. I'm with you baby."

It was odd that Jade all of a sudden wanted to come out to her parents, but that was Jade.


We told my parents that we were going out for a bit and would be back in time for dinner. A short time later we were driving to Jade's house.

"You know I've met your mother at the funeral, but I know almost nothing about her." I remarked to Jade as she drove.

Jade's face remained unreadable for a moment and she took a deep breath.

"My mother and I don't get along. I get along with her even less than my father. She's a patent litigation attorney. When there is a dispute over the ownership of a patent she gets involved. She works for a big firm downtown. She's very style conscious, Jimmy Choo shoes, Kate Spade handbags the works." I noticed she narrated her description of her mother, with little emotion in her voice.

Jade paused and took a deep breath.

"Her name is Lori and growing up she was an army brat. My grandfather was a captain in the US Army. My mom was born on a US army Base in Japan. She and her brothers lived all over the world. She met my dad in her sophomore year at UCLA and they eventually got married. She doesn't like my style choices, my obsession with all thing's death related, my interest in film making, pretty much everything. We have nothing in common what so ever. Not like she ever wants to spend time with me anyway. All we do is fight."

I thought for a moment.

"Didn't you say your grandfather's nose was shot off in the war?"

"I lied" Jade replied bluntly

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What else have you lied about?"

"Lots of things."

"What things?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

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