Chapter 28 - Blind Man's bluff

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

That which we face.

Chapter 28 – Blind man's bluff.

Jade's POV

It's been a month now, since my mom and Lisa reunited. As improbable as it was, the two almost instantly fell right back to the swing of things. Growing up, I could see a lingering anger and sadness in my mother. I had no idea why; it was like a dark cloud over her constantly. She took some of that anger out on me and my dad over the years. I simply assumed it was she was just a bitch pure and simple.

I'll admit now that I was sadly mistaken. I was a bitch to her many times, mean to her other times. I just didn't know. She missed the person she loved. A person who was literally pulled from her grasp and whisked away. She wasn't a bitch; she was in pain.

She's almost a completely different person now. Lisa tells me she's returning to what she once was like before all this happened. They're very happy together. Getting to know each other again and making up for lost time. Like a couple of sex starved teenagers, they've been going at it. I can't blame them.

I met her two children Mandy and Kyle. I get along with them fine enough. Kyle is at school at Ohio State and not normally around. Mandy and I have similar music tastes so we have something I common. They were both accepting of the relationship. Lisa had a 2-year relationship with a woman a few years back so this was nothing new to them. Like my mother they tell me Lisa is much happier than they've ever seen her.

My mom stepped up the divorce proceedings a bit. They've already talked about Lisa and her daughter Mandy moving in. Mandy is a senior in high school. Our house has 4 bedrooms so there is plenty of room.

It's September now and Tori and I have started our final year at Hollywood Arts high. She's still seeing her therapist and getting better. Things are going fine with us. I'm happily in love with the goofy Latina.

Today is Friday and I'm looking forward to a night with Tori. We hadn't made any specific plans but I just want to be with her.

It was just at the end of the day when I came up on her as she got her stuff from her locker.

"Hey 2nd prettiest girl in school" I said, as I came up behind her with a smirk firmly on my face.

Tori turned and frowned. "2nd prettiest. I wonder who's first." Tori put her index finger on her chin as she pretended to think. "I know. It's Brenda Polinski the girl with the long red hair in choir."

I just gave her an angry glare which I'm certain could curdle milk which only succeeded in causing her to laugh.

Tori grinned "I'll take 2nd, just as long as I'm dating the prettiest and I am." She said just before giving me a kiss.

"What are we doing tonight?" I asked.

Tori frowned. "I'm sorry I have to cancel tonight. Andre asked me to help him with some music tonight. He's performing tomorrow at a birthday party for his cousin. It's just tonight. I'm sorry, I'll make it up tomorrow."

My spirits fell and I frowned. "Fine" I huffed.

"Hey Cat was looking for someone to go with to that new pizza place earlier. Why don't you have dinner with her."

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the Red haired Tornado herself, bound up. "Hey Jade I'm hungry lets' go and get something to eat. We can try that new pizza place."

"Sure" I said reluctantly. "I'll drive. But if you ask for a Children's menu, you're walking home."

"Kay, Kay"

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