Chapter 29 - Marking your territory

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Disclaimer, The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

That which we face.

Chapter 29 – Marking your territory.

No One's Pov

As she started to wake, Tori became aware of some sensation on her tummy.

"There, perfect." Tori, still half asleep, could hear Jade's voice say cheerfully.

Some part of Tori knew she was in trouble. Probably for making Jade say she was her bitch, Tori thought sleepily. "Well worth the trouble I was probably in now" she continued to muse.

Tori's eyes snapped open, to see Jade sitting on the edge of the bed down near her thigh. As her eyes began to focus, she noticed three things. A rather evil grin which Tori thought was not good, Jade was still naked which was very good and something was in her hand possibly very much, not good.

"Jade, what did you do?" Tori asked cautiously.

Jade smirked. "A little bit of revenge. You of course knew. I would do something."

Tori's gaze focused on the object in Jades pale hand. It was a magic marker.

Tori suddenly sat up and looked at her tummy where she felt something earlier.

Written in neat letters in black magic marker on my tummy just below the belly button were the words.

Property of Jade West.

Below that, was a nice arrow with neat lines pointing down straight to her crotch. To top that, written just below each areola was the letters JW.

Tori's face twisted in horror, as she then noticed a nice heart written on her upper left leg. In it was TV + JW. On the upper left leg was a neatly drawn pair of scissors.

A drawing of a rather sinister looking snowman was now on the left side of her thigh.

"Jade" Tori whined, at the top of her voice.

Jade just started to laugh hysterically as Tori got up and ran to the mirror to see Jade's handiwork.

Tori turned around to see that Jade had played connect the dots with the moles on her back revealing an odd shape which vaguely resembled an elephant tipped over sideways.

On her left ass check was the letters JW. On the right one was just a J.

"You turned over before I could finish" A still very amused Jade said shrugging her shoulders.

"YOU!" Tori fumed and rushed the naked pale Goth pinning her down on the bed.

"Hey it's only fair, you made me, your bitch so I made you, my canvas. I was just marking my territory anyway." Jade remarked, casually as she examined her fingernails.

"But you wrote on me" Tori whined once again.

"Relax Vega, it's only magic marker. It will wear off in a few days."

"A few days" Tori said her voice sounding a bit panicked.

With that Jade shifted and flipped the Latina over onto her back putting herself on top.

Pinning Tori to the bed, Jade quickly gave Tori a kiss. "Relax Vega, it's not like we're going to the beach. The next few days, you're going to be spending with me. You don't think I'm going to mark my territory so thoroughly and not fully explore and exploit it."

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