chap 3

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It was something adhya never expected it was vintage

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It was something adhya never expected it was vintage. None on the competition had ever done this as all of their idea of painting was to modern,quirky and attractive. But this was out of box. As it was an town people knew amar about his talent but they never expected this..adhya looked at the picture and then at him from his looks she could find out how he would have worked to get this done.she decided at that movement who to choose. He has a big round of applause with standing ovation.even adhya wanted to go up to him shake his hand but could'nt.amar and Rouh's eyes teared one with happiness and another with was time for resul they were at back of the stage each of the competitors was nervous except amar.
Rouh:aren't you nervous
Amar:nope,i met my angel,i have won people's heart and they have recognised me. I love to win but even if I don't it doesn't matter anymore.
Saying this amar made Rouh to look at him with smile of pride on his face.the countdown started..............
5.....4.....3......2.....1.... And the winner is...

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