chap 21

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Author's pov
The morning brightness flashed across the dining room where all of them were seating together having their breakfast while some of them had neutral face and others had an nervous face it was going all well untill adhya made an sudden announcement that made others there drop their spoon due to shock.Three of them were astonished while one of them were still contemplating what she said but the person who was responsible for all of this just finished her breakfast and left the place as if nothing has happened.

Rouh's pov.
Wow! Now that was really unexpected.hmm is there really something going on or she's just agreeing for work whatever it is my boy looks happy and that's enough.oh god hope everything goes well.

Ram,Ruzz's pov.
Is that really adhya? Or am I dreaming.did she really said yes? Like an yes for travelling?an yes for something she hated her whole life?or did Amar just did an black magic on her? Oh no no no! In that case I must save my sister.

Thinking this both of them looked at each other and nodded their head in an affirmative and shot a " I'm watching you" look to. Amar who was indulged in his own world.

Amar's pov:
Am I dreaming? No no no no this can't be real! I ...I can't be travelling with adhya and she can't be damn real for agreeing to this. Because as much as i have heard about her she never travelled to places. Never. But she agreed to this? Wait does that mean she like me too? No it can not be that but why did she.well maybe for work but there's been a lot of time like this where her work needed traveling but she never did but she agreed to this.why? God this girl is gonna make me mad for sure. Yayaya!! I can sleep peacefully now! Wait how can I? This is my first travel! That too with my inspiration,my love how can I sleep soundly without planning I'm gonna do everything that's gonna make her happy as well get our work done.

Smiling at his thoughts he looked up only to find her two brothers were giving him looks that were clearly giving him that they are suspecting him. He gulped and gave a nervous sheepish smile for which he got an tight smiles in return.well now he's gonna be in a big problem,isn't he?

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