Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Izuku sighed as he stood in front of the massive door, knowing full well what to expect when he entered, a familiar quirk sitting in the center of the room as another hovered beside it.

"Kacchan!" Izuku shouted as he slammed open the door, surprising the entire class as they turned to look at him, "Stop being a dick, it won't make yours bigger."

"DEKU!" the blond howled as he leapt from his seat, the blue-haired boy standing beside him looking on in shock as Bakugo launched himself across the room with a burst of his quirk, "I'LL KILL YOU, YOU FREAK!"

The hand slapped onto Bakugo's chest with force as Izuku shoved him away, the blond shrieking as he suddenly shot backwards, flailing as he floated in the air.

"Thanks for the quirk," Izuku said, spinning around to face the brunette from the exam, surprising her as he smiled brightly, "It's really cool! I'd love to talk more about it with you! Hopefully without you needing to sit on me this time. Your choice though."

"I...oh...okay!" she blurted, her face turning bright red as several of the class gasped, Izuku stepping out of her way and waving her into the class.

"LET ME DOWN YOU QUIRK STEALING FUCK!" Bakugo screamed as he tried to right himself using his explosions, sending him spinning madly in the air.

"Sorry, don't know how," Izuku laughed as the rest of the class tried to hide their snickers, before turning to the brunette, "Any advice?"

"What? Oh! Place your hands together like this and think "Release"," She said, Izuku copying her action, before Bakugo suddenly collapsed into a heap on the ground.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" the blond shouted as he scrambled to his feet.

"Really, Kacchan? Is that all you can say? Just "kill, kill, kill," all the time? I thought you were smart," Izuku sighed, before pointing a thumb over his shoulder at the door, "Anyway, teacher's here."

"If you're here to socialize, then get out," the voice suddenly said, the rest of the class jumping, Izuku simply heading towards a free desk.

The caterpillar made its way into the room, before shedding its sleeping bag, revealing the lanky man inside. He looked around the room for a moment, before reaching into the bag and pulling out a set of PE uniforms.

"I am Shota Aizawa, your new homeroom teacher," He said as he tossed the packaged clothes onto his desk, "Grab one of those and get changed. We're meeting out on the main field in fifteen minutes."

The class stared as he turned and walked away, dragging the sleeping bag behind him.

"Hey...uh Deku, right?" the red head asked as they changed, "What was up with that whole thing before, with...Kacchan?"

"Actually, my name is Izuku, Izuku Midoriya," Izuku said, "Deku's an insult that only Kacchan uses because he's scared of me."


"Yeah, yeah," Izuku laughed as the rest of the boys stared at them in shock, "Say it all you like, people will figure you out eventually."

"Hey, what's he mean by "quirk stealing"?" a blond asked, a black lightning bolt in his hair, "He said it in class as well."

"Oh, I can feel and copy quirks," Izuku explained, holding out his hand as it sparked with electricity, making the blond gasp, "Any emitter or transformation quirk within ten meters. Technically I can go further, but it gets exponentially harder to copy. Kacchan is just scared I'll be better at using his quirk than him."

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