Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

"IZUKU!" Shoto and Tenya screamed as their friend was dragged down into the hole, vanishing from sight a moment later, "We have to go after him!"

"No!" One of the Heroes shouted, grabbing a hold of them, "It's too dangerous! You guys are just kids!"

"He's our friend!" Tenya almost sobbed, yanking his arm free, "We have to save him!"

"Tenya! Shoto!" the familiar voice shouted as Manual ran up to them, "There you are! I know I said that you could go, but things that the Hero Killer: Stain?"

"Yes," the two said hurriedly as they made to jump down the hole, Tenya shouting as they dropped in, "Izuku got grabbed by one of the Nomu! We're going after him!"

"Wait...what? Nomu? What's a Nomu?" Manual asked, looking at the other Heroes, who just shrugged.

"It's what they called the guys attacking right now," one of them said, the whole group jumping at the sound of revving engines, looking down into the hole just as Shoto jumped on Tenya's back and they shot off, "Oh shit! Those kids!"

Endeavor panted slightly as the creature fell, it's body black and crispy. It had taken far too long to defeat the damned thing, and now he had no idea where the flying creature had gotten too. Or where his son was.

"This is Endeavor," he growled into his communicator, "Report! Have you found Shoto?"

"Uhm...yes sir!" one of his sidekicks said nervously, "He and his...friends? Apparently defeated the Hero Killer. We are currently holding Stain as we wait for the police."

"The Hero Killer?" Endeavor blinked as he repeated the words, a sense of pride welling up in his chest, "Excellent! Where is Shoto now?"

"W-we don't know," Endeavor could hear the flinch through the radio, a mixture of panic and rage boiling up in his chest.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Endeavor hissed, "Where is my son?!"

"H-he jumped down a hole with one of his friends after the other one was grabbed by a mole-looking guy!" the sidekick spluttered, "W-we're at 4-2-10 Ekou street right now!"

"4-2-10 Ekou street..." Enji growled, "I'll be there immediately."

The explosion echoed down the tunnel, surprising Shoto and Tenya as they glanced at each other, Tenya kicking his quirk into a higher gear as they sped up.

"Come on Izuku," Tenya muttered, "Be okay!"

The two slid as the rounded a curve in the tunnel, Tenya skidding to a halt as they stared at the scene in front of them. Izuku was standing, barely, blood dripping down his chest and mouth as he held out a hand, explosions crackling across his palm as the massive brown skinned creature staggered away, letting out a pained cry.

"Izuku!" Tenya shouted as the teen stepped towards the creature, making him stop as he looked at them, the explosions dying in his hand.

"Oh...hey...guys," he panted as more blood dripped from his mouth.

"Midoriya!" Shoto yelled, throwing his left hand forwards, a massive gout of flame narrowly missing the teen's head as it slammed into the hulking mole Nomu that loomed up behind him, "We have to get out of here!"

"" Izuku coughed, more blood spilling from his lips as he staggered towards them, his eyes glassy as the Nomu let out a pained roar.

Tenya grabbed his friend, lifting him into his arms as he turned away. The three were already sweating from the heat as Shoto continued to blast the Nomu with a stream of flame as Tenya started running, his legs aching from the effort, his engines whining in protest of the excess weight.

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