Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

"How is he?" those were the first words that left Iida's mouth as soon as Shota walked into the room.

"Stable, but still in critical condition," the teacher replied, watching as the two students relaxed, then flinched, "He'll pull through, I'm sure."

"He has to," Iida muttered, "He...he saved me...From Stain...From myself."

"What are you saying, Iida?" Aizawa hummed as he moved closer to the boy, both Iida's legs up in slings, a nutrient drip feeding into his calves.

"I...I wanted to kill Stain," the blue-haired teen sighed, looking up at Aizawa, the man simply nodding, "I...I almost did. Izuku...he stopped me. He...He said that it wasn't what my brother would have wanted. He right."

"What about Stain?" Todoroki asked, making both look at him as he scratched at the bandages wrapped around his head, the knock on his head thankfully only haven given him a mild concussion.

"He's in custody," Shota replied, both teens seeming to relax slightly again, "He won't be hurting anyone else."

"Oh," Iida sighed, "Good."

"Yeah," Todoroki breathed, "When can we see Midoriya?"

"See...?" Shota blinked as he looked at the two bed-ridden students, "I don't know. The doctors are monitoring him for the moment, and don't want anyone that isn't absolutely necessary in his room."

"Understood," Todoroki replied, sagging slightly, "I hope he's going to be okay."

"I'm sure he will," Shota sighed, "As for the two of you..."

The two students looked up at their teacher as he sighed, walking over to and opening the door, three people walking in. A man with a dog head, another wearing a simple beige trench coat, and Manual all nodded as they entered.

"You have guests."

"You idiot."

Neito looked at his best friend as the green-haired teen lay in the bed, his eyes closed, the machines slowly beeping and whirring around him.

"You absolute idiot!"

"Neito," Inko Midoriya said as she looked at the teen, wrapping her arms around him as she saw the tears welling in his eyes, "He'll be fine, sweety. I-I'm sure!"

"Of course he will," Neito sniffed, "He has to be, so I can kick his ass for doing this!"


The panicked voice made Aizawa flinch, turning to look at the distraught green-haired woman as she hurried down the hospital corridor.

"Emi," he replied, looking away as she stopped in front of him, wringing her hands nervously, "He's stable right no-."

"I'm sorry!"

Shota paused, looking back up at the woman, taking in her red and puffy eyes, and the clear tear tracks running over her cheeks.

"It's my fault this happened, I'm so sorry!" the woman let out a small sob, "You trusted me with him..."

"Emi..." Shota muttered, watching as the woman began crying.

"He's such a good kid! He has so much potential! And I've ruined it because I let him go after that maniac Stain!"

"Emi, it's okay," Shota tried, taking her by the shoulders as she sobbed, "It...Stain didn't do this. It's not your fault."

"W-what do you mean?" she sniffed, looking up at him, Shota wincing at the tears still streaming down her face, "If I...If I hadn't let him go, then he would still be fine! If I hadn't suggested that we patrol Hosu, then-."

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