Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"So, who you guys going with?" Mina asked as they stood around Izuku's desk, "I'm going to Melt Man! He has the power to...melt!"

"A really good choice for you," Izuku hummed, nodding sagely, "He'll be able to teach you how to properly handle your fluids."

"Right!" Mina chuckled, a dusting of purple on her cheeks at the compliment, "So...who are you guys going with?"

"I'm going with Gunhead," Ochako said happily, "I may want to be a Rescue Hero, but I think learning how to fight properly will be a good experience!"

"Oh, well I think Neito's also going to him!" Izuku laughed, "Pretty much the same reason. How about you, Iida?"

"Manual," the boy replied flatly.

"Isn't he in Hosu?" Izuku asked, all three of them flinching when the teen nodded.

Everyone in the class had heard the news by now and had given Iida a wide berth after finding out. Izuku hadn't pressed his friend for any more details but had made it abundantly clear that Iida was free to contact him at any time to talk if he wanted to. The teen had seemed appreciative, but Izuku was still worried.

"Endeavor," the monotone voice said, making the four of them jump as they turned to look at Todoroki, who they hadn't even heard approach them.

"Oh, hell no!" Izuku said, staring at the teen, "There is no way in hell I am letting that happen!"

"But I need to learn to use my fire..." the red- and white-haired teen said softly, Izuku giving him an unimpressed look.

"What am I to you? A joke?" The green-haired teen sighed, "All he's going to teach you is "Burn everything, then bad guy is bye bye". You'd gain more from learning about paperwork than you would learning anything from him. Seriously, go to someone else, for your own health as well as mine."

"But then who?" Todoroki asked, looking at Izuku strangely.

"Manual," Izuku said plainly, "He's well known for having immaculate paperwork."

"Oh," the heterochromatic teen said, "Okay."

"Wait..." Iida said, looking between Izuku and Shoto as they spoke, "But..."

"I look forward to working with you," Shoto suddenly said, holding out his hand to Iida, the teen taking it automatically and shaking.


"Everyone have their costume cases?" Aizawa grumbled as he looked over the class, the students all holding up the silver suitcases, "Good. Make sure to be on your best behavior. We don't need you shaming UA."

"Yes, Sensei!" the class called as they began to separate to find their platforms.

"Hey, Shoto! Tenya!" Izuku called as he ran up to the two teens, "You guys going to be okay over there in Hosu? Just remember, I'm Class Rep, so if you have any problems, call or text me!"

"Yes, I'm sure we'll be fine," Shoto nodded, Iida tensing slightly as he turned.

"We'll be fine, Midor-Izuku," the blue-haired teen said calmly, a soft smile on his face as he looked down at his friend, Izuku smiling back, "Come on, Todoroki-san, we mustn't be late for our train."

"Right," the two-toned boy said, pausing when Izuku grabbed his arm, pulling him back slightly and whispering in his ear, "Oh. Okay."

"Thanks, Shoto," Izuku grinned as he released him, "And don't forget, call me if you have any problems! That goes for the rest of you as well!"

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