Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

It had been a week since Himiko had begun living with the Midoriya household, though she'd done little more than stay in Izuku's room for the first few days, only venturing out when absolutely necessary. She'd bumped into Inko a couple more times, always acting defensive when she saw the adult, but had slowly started to get used to the gentle woman's presence. It had been a Thursday when she had peeked into the kitchen as Izuku and his mother had been eating supper, silently walking over to the table, and placing her meal beside Izuku before sitting alongside him. Izuku had beamed as she joined them, Inko just smiling gently as she asked if the girl wanted a drink.

Now she was sat in one of their armchairs, staring at the television with her legs drawn up to her chest while Inko quietly cleaned. This had been their ritual for the last few days, Himiko darting to Izuku's room when Inko got too close or she was done watching whatever show was on. Today however, the girl spoke.

"I like Izuku."

"Oh!" Inko jumped at the sudden words, looking over to Himiko as the girl watched her owlishly, "Well, that's understandable. He's a very good boy. And an excellent friend."

"I like him more than that," Himiko replied, still watching as Inko gave a quiet hum of acknowledgement, continuing with the cleaning, " when I like someone so much, I want to be them."

Inko stopped again, turning to look at the girl in confusion.

"It''s my quirk. I can turn into people."

"Oh," Inko hummed, "Izuku said you don't like talking about your quirk. You don't have to if you don't want to."

Himiko nodded as she turned back to the television, staring blankly at the screen for a minute.

"I have to drink their blood. For my quirk to work."

"Is that so?" Inko replied softly, "Well, there are all sorts of quirks in the world. I'm sure Izuku would be happy to help you with-."

"I've been drinking Izuku's blood."

The two of them froze, Himiko in fear as she waited for the older woman to start screaming, Inko in surprise as she looked at the girl.

"Well," Inko sighed, walking to the other couch, and sitting as far from Himiko as she could, more for the girl's comfort than any aversion she may have, "That explains the bandages on his arm."

"I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be," Inko hummed reassuringly, "I'm sure Izuku let you do it to help you. That boy is always trying to help people."

Himiko just nodded as she watched the woman, surprised that she seemed so calm despite all this.

"If you don't mind me asking," Inko said, making Himiko jump, "Why are you afraid of talking about your quirk?"

" parents don't like it," Himiko muttered, looking away, "They...they wouldn't let me out except for school 'cause I kept...trying to drink animal blood."


"They used hit me when I did it," the tears started dripping from Himiko's eyes as she spoke, not sure why she was telling this strange woman she'd know for barely a week everything, "And lock me in a cupboard. It was dark and scary."

"Oh sweetheart," Inko gasped, shifting slightly closer.

"I don't know why," she said, tears running down her cheeks, "I just...I have to do it! Or I feel weird! But if I do it then people think I'm weird! I...the feeling is scary, like I can't stop myself! I just want"

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