Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The class filed in to the USJ, listening as Thirteen explained the building and its various zones. Izuku was listening intently, scribbling in his note pad when he felt the flash down below them, his head snapping up. A wave of nausea washed over him as he felt the quirk grow stronger, and how wrong it was.

"Sensei," Izuku gasped as he grabbed the man's arm, pointing down into the plaza, "Someone's using a quirk down there."

"What?" Aizawa sighed, looking in the same direction as the teen, "What are you talk-?"

The purple cloud expanded, a hand reaching out of it a moment later as a head of pale hair poked out, a severed hand covering the Villain's face as he stepped through. The mist expanded further, more figures stepping through as they seemed to joke and laugh with each other, cruel grins on their faces.

"Who are those people?" Kirishima asked, "Is this part of the exercise?"

"No," Aizawa growled, hand already on his capture weapon as he used the other to steady the wobbling Izuku, "Those are real Villains. Thirteen, protect the students!"

Izuku choked as the creature walked out through the portal. He'd felt many types of quirks over the years, but nothing like those two things. While All Might's multiple quirks had all been in balance, forming a star-like structure within him, theirs were a mess of twisted and torn light. The portal user only had three, some kind of Production Control quirk as a base, a portal quirk and a mutation that made his body like gas. The other monster...

"That thing is dangerous," he gasped, looking at Aizawa as the man prepared to jump down, "Powerful regeneration, shock absorption, and multiple super strengths, at least."

"It won't mean anything when I erase his quirk," Eraserhead muttered as he threw himself down the stairs.

"It's the right time," the pale-haired Villain growled, his voice dry and cold, "So where is All Might?"

"Perhaps there was a change in schedule?" a voice said, a pair of glowing yellow eyes emerging from the dark cloud, "Though it shouldn't be hard to get him to appear."

"Right," the pale-haired man grumbled, "Kurogiri, you have a job to do. Go do it."

Izuku blinked, spinning as he felt the portal villain appear behind him. The mist man shouted in surprise as he fell out of the air, his quirk erased, Izuku's eyes glowing red.

"Grab him now!" the green-haired teen shouted as he felt Aizawa reach the edge of his range, "Quickly!"

"GOTCHA!" Bakugo yelled as he leapt onto the man, Izuku blinking as he felt his hold on Aizawa's quirk rapidly diminish, the Villain's body writhing under the blond teen, "FUCKING TRY ANYTHING AND I'LL BLOW YOU TO HELL!"

"Everyone! Get out!" Thirteen shouted as they pointed at the door, the other students running towards it.

"Sensei!" Izuku shouted as he turned to watch Aizawa decimating the Villains below, "Aizawa-sensei needs help!"

"No!" Thirteen shouted, grabbing him by the shoulder, "Absolutely not!"

"ENOUGH!" the portal Villain roared, dark tendrils suddenly erupting from his body as they engulfed Bakugo, the blond crying out in surprise before he vanished, "We are the League of Villains, and we have come to kill All Might! Where is he?"

"Kill All Might?" Asui muttered, "How are you going to do that?"

"None of your concern, young Heroes," the man huffed as he spread his body out again, the dark mist moving to surround the students, "For now, all you need to do is scatter and DIE!"

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