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"well there's our target" Dazai stated simply.

"this might be a little more difficult than I thought" he added. Fitzgerald was surrounded by people, all congratulating and talking him up. Not very ideal when you're trying to kill him.

They both quickly made their way off the dance floor and towards the snack table. "Dazai, what's the plan?" Chuuya asked, looking back at Francis. Dazai was always the one to come up with the plan and Chuuya always followed. "well, it doesn't seem like he's going to be separating from that group for a while. Maybe make a distraction, turn some heads and grab him? But that's risky seeing as most will still see. Unless we somehow get him alone somewhere" Dazai rambled.

He usually just came up with a plan when they got to the location, never planning ahead of time. That was reserved for important missions. "Chuuya" he snapped out of his daze. "do you remember what we did during the assassination of that one politician in Tokyo?" Dazai boasted with a growing smile. "I don't know what you're so excited about, all we did was have you take down a guard and dress as him, luring the politician away from the party" Chuuya dead panned. It worked well last time, sure, but this place has more people.

"we can try replicate that. It's easy enough for your small brain to do" Dazai said already looking around for a solo guard. "prick" the red head expressed with a scowl. "where are we luring him to? I'll wait there" "I was thinking his office. It makes sence to have him go there. I'll tell him that the ADA's president is here and wants to talk" Dazai explained. "alright, I trust you'll not fuck up, but if you do and he calls for more security?" Chuuya asked raising an eyebrow. "well then...we'll have to use the other plan" Dazai reminded handing the syringe filled with poison to his partner. "just don't let it get out of hand" Chuuya asked, grabbing it and walking away to the office. Dazai smiled and walked to a guard he spotted that was alone.

"sorry sir, do you by chance know where the washroom is?" Dazai asked the guard with a warm smile. He knew exactly where it was and he knew it was far enough away that the guard would have to walk him there. "uh, yeah, follow me" he said in a gruff tone. The guard was friendly, too bad about the whole killing him bit but oh well.

"here you go sir" the guard directed. He seemed to do what a lot of guards did and stayed near the bathrooms entrance. Dazai supposed it was due to suspicion. "thank you" he said and entered the empty bathroom. Perfect. After a bit, he went back outside but this time, plastered on a worried and concerned look. He spotted the guard and walked to him again. "sorry to bother again but I think there may be a problem in one of the stalls. There's a pool of blood in one of them" Dazai said in a shaky voice. "what!?" the guard hurried past him and entered the bathroom. Dazai following suit.

Once both were inside, the guard facing away from him, Dazai locked the bathroom door. He wore a fatal smirk similar to that of a lion that had just cornered its pray. He made his way closer to the guard he was slightly taller than and raised his hands. "in which stall did yo-" he was cut off by the sound of his own neck breaking. "that was easy" Dazai looked down at the guard and smiled. "thank you for your donation to the cause"


After a bit, Dazai was dresses in the once was guard's uniform. He hid the body in one of the stalls furthest away from the entrance. He fixed his hair and made his way outside the bathroom and headed towards Francis, preparing the words he was going to share with the man. He got to Francis and waited politely until it was his turn to speak.

"sir, there's someone by the name of Yukichi Fukuzawa in your office. He wishes to discuss your offer regarding his agency" Dazai whispered in his ear. It obviously worked seeing as his eyes widened and he almost spat out his drink. He put the glass down and started walking towards his office only looking back to meet Dazai's eyes and order him to follow.


He apparently walked into his office with his eyes closed because he hadn't noticed the lack of Fukuzawa. Dazai closed and locked the door quietly. "where did you say he was again?" Francis asked sitting at his desk. "oh, he might have gone to the bathroom. He should back soon"

Chuuya appeared from behind Francis and jabbed his neck with the syringe. Knocking him out and killing him instantly. His head fell on the desk comically. "that was easy" Chuuya laughed making his way to Dazai. "sure was, but he have to hide the body now" Dazai said putting a hand to his chin. "we can just, I don't know, throw him out the window" Chuuya said, looking out said window. The idea received an imitation laugh from Dazai. "yeah no, we're not doing that. There's a balcony though. We can throw him out there and just drag him to the ocean that's nearby" Dazai suggested. The red head laughed at the cartoony suggestion though still nodded in agreement.

They grabbed the once was billionaire and threw him off the balcony. He landed in a few bushes and luckily didn't make a loud thud noise. They then proceeded towards the exit of the office then building.


Writing this chapter felt like writing a level straight outta hitman


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