The Reaping

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as we were all gathered and packed in the small city square a big stage stood infront of the administration building.

there was a giant screen where the video of Panem would be showed and two big bowls filled with little pieces of paper. soon enough a woman with an extravagant dress avanced on stage.

her name was Estelle, she had been here for as long as i can remember, every year she picked the names and her excitement never faultered. i didn't understand how happy she could be when sending two poor innocent children to their deaths.

at the far right corner of the stage stood the mentor. the only victor of distict 10, he was a middle aged man with a sharp gaze, his body was covered in scars and his appearance seemed scrawny, like a street cat.

his name was Tomin and had never went into town, he wasn't very friendly.

lost in my thoughts I had not realized that the video was over and that the actual reaping was about to start. i straightened up in tense apprehension

"Welcome, ladies and Gentlemen, to the 27th annual Hunger games" she paused, as if expecting us to clap "now let's see which brave boy and girl will be selected, now ladies first as always".

Estelle's perfectly poised hand picked out a paper from the girl's tank. she slowly unfolded the paper and read out loud

"Cherry Coleman"

i gasped in disbelief, barely registering what was happening, a peacekeeper shoved me in direction of the stage, without thinking i turned around and punched his face in.

to my surprise no other keepers came to beat me, i was a Capitol toy now, i was untouchable, until the games started of course.

as much sadness and pain took over me i didn't let myself cry, i kept a cold and stern face as i walked to the stage, people around me were whispering and I could hear loud sobs, my parents.

that thought broke my heart but i payed no attention to it, "don't cry" i repeated to myself, pleading.

the boy who was reaped was tall and lean with a childish and caring face. he looked like he could not even hurt a fly and i knew he was probably going to die first.

i pitied him honestly, he was not ready, sure he was pretty and seemed charming and nice but that's the only thing he got going for him. as he walked up to the stage he saw me intently staring, probably knowing I was judging and immediately looked away.

poor boy looked scared out of his mind, he was shaking and his footing was uncertain.

as Estelle held up our hands in the air she chanted, "now a big round if applause for our district 10 tributes and may the odds be ever in your favor!"

we were ushered off into the building behind us and locked in a room to see our loved ones one last time.

the door flew open and my parents rushed into my arms crying. it took a great deal out of me but I did not cry. my mom hastily took off her necklace with a ring hanging on it and gave it to me "a token" she whispered with a sad smile on her face. my dad held my head in his hands "be brave honey, be brave and stay strong" these were the last words he said to me as the peacekeepers shoved and pushed them out the room.

the boy - Jonas - and i met back in the hall then we were led to the train. as the silver doors slid shut i left a part of me behind, a sweet, compassionate and caring side of me as I left district 10, my home.

i realised that i wasn't ready to die, i was not going to give up.

i would fight to the death, and win because my parents needed me but above all, i needed to prove to myself that i was better than a stupid game and I was going to crush every single one of these stupid people who thought that a random girl from district 10 could not win.

fuck them, they were about to see the real me.

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