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the train was absolutely beautiful and luxurious. we were all sitting in the dining car, silently thinking about the games and death probably.

Jonas was quietly sobbing, his head pressed against the glass window. i felt bad for him, poor boy was going to die soon enough.

Tomin was nowhere to be seen and Estelle was gleefully chirping while talking to a member of the staff.

i despised her, how she could be happy when we were both going into most certain death. all the Capitol people, i despised every last one of them.

suddenly the door of the coach opened reavealing a very grumpy looking Tomin. he waltzed into the room sitting in between my couch and Jonas'.

yea i didn't like him either.

he slammed his hands on the table in front of him making everything shake, Estelle shot a dark glare at him and Jonas jumped.

pfff, wimp.

"ok listen here kids, i cant give you much advice except; dont die, be smart and think quick. the arena is no place to make stupid decisions so ally and be cunning and you may have chancee of winning"

i scoffed, no way in hell i was allying with anyone. the guy annoyed me already "wow thank you for this great advice, gee i really could not come up with that myself!"

he slowly turned his head to me and muttered "you be careful young one, im the mentor here, you listen to me" i rolled my eyes "yea well if you actually gave worth while advice i would listen, see I want to win and i am certainly not going to if i have a stupid mentor who can't give good advice to save his life"

i yelled to his face as i got up and stormed away, out into the long corridors. as i was leaving i heard Tomin chuckle "i like this girl already"

yea well i didn't like you you little fuck face.

soon enough i found my room, it was big and spacious. i had a huge bed draped with soft velvet covers, a big dresser filled with luxurious clothes  and a giant tv screen was implanted into the wall.

the bathroom was equally mesmerizing, it had a enormous shower with a shit load of buttons to press and a beautiful ornate sink against the wall. i was kind of disgusted at the place though. if you sold everything that was in this room alone, you could feed the entire district for a week.

i was revolted but a part of me wanted to let go of this feeling and enjoy, as this could be my last week alive.

i shooed the thought away and picked out some plain black clothes to change to after my shower. i slipped off my dress and stepped into it.

i quickly tamed the shower and it's buttons and found the appropriate settings for me. as the hot flower-scented water ran down my back i let my thoughts wander. to my parents, to my district, to my small and broken house, to that baker woman who always gave me a cookie everytime i bought bread. i caught myself crying as pulled my new clothes on, and i aggressively wiped my tears.

emotionally drained i slipped into the covers of my silky bed and fell into a dreamless and peaceful sleep.


soon after i hear a knock on my door and Estelle's voice saying it's dinner time. i climbed out of the fluffy bed as i made my way to the dinning coach in a haze.

everybody is already seated when i awkwardly join them all. we eat in silence until Estelle tries to make small talk "so how are you two settling? do you enjoy what the Capitol offered for now? they sure spared no expenses to please you too-"

she trailed on with her stupid squeaky voice talking about how grand and good the Capitol is until i cannot take it anymore. i take my knife and stab it in the wooden table right next to her hands "we get it you love the capitol because it's so posh and nice, well we dont, we are from one of the poorest districts, we live off rotten food and most of us starve and then we have to go compete in the hunger games where we will probably die because we have no training whatsoever. this train, all the luxuries are just trying to make us forget that we are going to die, that we are just pigs being led to the slaughterhouse, so no, no we do not enjoy being here adding to the fact that we are with you!" i basically spit these words to her shocked face.

ok maybe it was a bit nice to have all these grand things but but i could not admit that to her. Tomin was smiling and Jonas was trying to hide a smug grin but the rest were silent.

we continued eating our food like nothing happened and soon after we were led to a living room to watch the reaping recap.

this year's tributes all seem very strong and tough. the carreer tributes look as vicious as ever and the rest looked pretty bulky and motivated too. one boy from 11 catches my eyes though, he is well built with gold blonde hair and ice blue eyes. if i were to make allies (which i am not) i would probably pick him. he looked terrified but somehow managed to turn that fear into something like deadly determination, something almost lethal.

i shiver, these games will not be easy.

back in my room i lie in my bed, trying to fall asleep. i desperately try to prepare myself that i am going to lose, i am weak and frail, i am going to die. i have all this high talk that i will win but i need to face it, i will die. as i try to push this into my brain a small part of me is still savagely fighting for it's life.

i finally drift asleep with the certainty of death taking over me.

Ok so big chapter! I really really really wanted scream "MAHOGANY" when Cherry stabbed the poor table but i didn't :') oh well too bad
Anyways xoxo people!

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