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what the fuck was wrong with him?

what did he think he was doing? did he really think for one second he has the right to make seem weak and humiliated in front of the whole nation??!

everyone fell silent and stared at me. i was fuming, the nerve of that stupid kid! when he strutted into the room i shot right up and strided towards him. the same cocky grin was plastered on his face "maybe you should wait till we're alone to kiss me you know" i pointed my finger at him, poking aggressively at his chest.

i tried to articulate a sentence but i was at a loss for words, my mouth hung open, as usual he was smiling stupidly. after a few minutes of utter silence, i resolved that i could not say anything so i slapped him square across the face. the shock was huge and he coiled back on impact. he held his reddening cheek, still smiling like a creep. everybody whispered and i stormed out of the room, Jonas trailing behind.

when i arrived at the elevator i punched the button, seeing as the damn thing was not arriving i let out a yell of frustrations and kicked the door.

Jonas calmly came to me and put a hand on my shoulder, i felt the agressive wave of rage dim as the heat of his hand radiated all through my back, i turned around to face him and he cupped my face in his hands, normally i would push him away but i simply did not have the strengh to.

he rested his forehead against mine as my breath evened. we stood there for a while in silence.

i was falling for him so much harder than what was safe there was no denying it anymore. the simple act of him standing there was soothing me greatly. i just had to get hold of myself, i cannot let the feelings obscure my mind.

my mission was to keep him alive but i needed to  push the feelings back, my plan was simple. i woul let him run away from the cornocupia and i would stand my ground to fend off anyone wanting to follow him. then once the bloodbath is over i would find him and protect him until we are the only ones left, hopefully i would live that long, then i would kill myself and he would be crowned victor.

i knew damn well all that would fail if i opened the flood gates of my feelings, so many things could go wrong, i could follow him instead of protecting his path, i could let my guard down or someone could use him against me if they knew about us or if we were attacked i could want to flee with him instead of attaking back... so many things could go wrong but most of all i was scared shitless of being in love.

the elevator bell dinged as we jumped in surprise bumping our heads together. he smiled sheepishly and i let out a sqeaky apology, we climbed into the elevator and i positioned myself as far from him as the small cabin could allow.

when the doors opened on our floor i stepped out and walked, almost ran, to my room. i shut the door and slid on the floor, wrapping my arms around my knees. tears started to stream down my face as i let all the emotions of the past week take over me. without even going to the shower i stripped down my gown, locked the door and slipped into the silky sheets.

we were in a lush forest, Jonas and i were sitting on the ground, i was laying my head on his chest and we were talking lightly, joking and laughing. suddenly there was a noise in the bush and the girl from 2 appeared, a bloody sword in her hands. in a second the whole setting changed. the woods became dark and omnious. Jonas and i got up and started to back away from the girl, her face distorted into a savage smirk and she threw the sword who lodged itself into Jonas' chest. two dissapeared as i ran towards the boy's limp body but i crashed into something, a transparent wall was keeping me from him. i banged with all my strength on the wall as i saw him agonise. i screamed his name but he didn't hear it. in a final effort he mouthed to me "you did this" and his head fell back down onto the floor. the cannon sounded and-

i woke up in a jump, sweat pooling around my body. no this was just a nightmare, nothing else. i walked over to the shower to wash off the sweat and the bad memory of the dream. i scrubbed every inch of my body, bleaching myself clean of the horrible dream. as i stepped back in bed a detheaing scream rose from the corridor, breaking the silence.


without thinking twice I raced down the hall and threw the door open. Jonas was there, lying on his bed, twitching aggressively, a terrified expression was plastered on his face but he wasn't awake.

i silently approached the bed and i sat down next to him. his night shirt was made of a see-through light fabric and without myslef realising it i trailed his soft muscles with my eyes. when i realised what i was doing i snapped out of my daze, planted a shy kiss on his forehead and scurried away before he woke. i threw a last glance at his limp body and i saw with satisfaction that he had stopped twitching and he was calm, his chest rising and falling slowly. i smiled at the serene sight and trudged away lightly, back to the coldness of my room.


i woke up to a soft knock at my door and i heard Estelle's high pitched voice telling me to get ready and come for breakfast. i hopped in the shower and enjoyed the hot, vanilla scented water, as it would be the last time i would feel it.

silent tears rolled down my face as i recorded every action as my last. i slipped on some plain black clothes knowing i would have to change later, before entering the arena.

i went to the living room to find Estelle and Tomin eating silently. i sat down and grabbed three panckackes, a bowl of fruit, a mug of hot chocolate, a cup of orange juice and a piece of fluffy brioche.

what? it was my last meal so at least i could enjoy it. everything was calm but i decided to break the silence "where's Jonas?" i tried to hide the hint of worry in my voice but Tomin seemed to have noticed it. he looked at me amused

"he already left for the hovercraft a few minutes ago, you are not supposed to see each other until the ride to the arena" i let out a small "oh" as i turned my attention back to my plate, savouring every bite of the rich food i was eating.

when i was done i got up and both others did too when my prep team barged into the room, breaking the peaceful silence. "what are you doing here?" i asked, puzzled. "oh we simply had to say goodbye Cherry, we are going to miss you so much" Farola squealed. the guy, Nillo, was wiping his tears "try to win please". they all squeezed me in a tight embrace, all their Capitol scents mixing. then as quickly as they entered, they scurried out of the room like lost puppies, waving and crying.

i waved back with a sad smile on my face, i had grew to like them. what a shame i was going to be separated from them so soon. then it was Estelle's turn. i hadn't noticed but she too, was crying. she looked at me with a sad smile, "oh Cherry, you have been my best tribute yet, i am sorry we have to part so soon." i had also grew to appreciate her and her high-pitched, screeching voice.

i felt tears welling in my eyes but i blinked them away, you can't cry here, get a hold of yourself Cherry. she pushed herself out of the snug hug she was giving me and pulled out a small velvet box out of her pocket. she opened it to reveal a small golden ring, with some things engraved on it. "to add to your token" she said, her breath quivering.

i touched my necklace which hung around my neck. she lightly unclasped the  small chain and slipped the ring on it, it slid down the chain and lightly clinked with the other ring. "im sorry if i gave you a hard time Cherry, but you really grew on me, there's something about you. you can win, i know you can" i blinked hard to make the tears dissapear. her display of kindness bewildered me, i had no idea she liked me like that "thank you so much" i managed to whisper before turning away, and walking towards Tomin who was waiting in the elevator.

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