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his voice buzzed in my ear before i realised what was going on.

i slowly turned around to face where the voice came from. there, crouching in a leafy bush was Jonas, his face was skinny and his cheekbones were very visible, he was a cut up and bruised, like if he had been in a fight of some sort. before i was able to do anything he ran into me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

his body was shaking and i heard small sobbing noises. i instantly hugged him back, taking in every fearure of his body. after a few minutes of standing there, he started to push too hard on my cuts so i had to pull away. he wiped his tears with the back of his hands and shot me an apologetic smile

"I'm sorry, i just- im so happy to see you, you have no idea" i smiled back "I'm so happy to see you too don't apologize" a few moments of silence passed before he started to look at all my cuts

"what happened to you?" i looked down at myself only to realise that i was covered in small, mildly deep cuts "oh well some weird squirrel mutts attacked me, that's why i jumped in the water" i shrugged and pointed at the little bodies floating about in the water "i don't know what the problem is with mutts and the arena this year" i gestured to him "what about you? did you get into a fight?"

if he actually did and he survived, i may have underestimated him then "oh well 3 and 6 ganged up on me and when they were about to kill me this avalanche came out of nowhere, they were right in the middle so they got killed but i managed to only be caught in a small part of it so i broke off of it at som point. then i hiked all the way up to here, i found this place and set camp here two days ago since i arrived."

i nodded and got up, taking my jacket and shoes off and setting them on the ground "hey would you mind making a fire please ? i need to dry off and I'm afraid I'll freeze without some heat" he nodded and shot up to gather some wood as i jumped up and down to try and heat myself up.

once we had headed back to his shelter and the fire was burning we finally had time to talk.

"so did you kill anyone?" i froze, oh shit, what was he going to think? that I'm a monster? because i am!

no you're not you just did what you had to do to survive.

the wise voice called in my head as i at up straighter "yea, 2 people, during the bloodbath" i saw a look of surprise pass on his face but he quickly replaced it with a neutral expression.

"you?" he looked up at me with an amused face. "no, no one. oh talking about the bloodbath, i saw you went straight for the cornucopia and you didn't run away like Tomin had said."

because I needed to make sure no one was running after you.

i laughed a bit before answering his question "fuck what Tomin said, i needed weapons otherwise i would've been dead by now" he nodded and paused for a bit. i saw that the guy Rufus died, did you see?" i cringed at his name.

tears threatened to form in my eyes but i blinked them away. "yea i was with him. we had allied as soon as i left the bloodbath. he got killed by wolf mutts over on the side opposite to where the avalanche was."

i mumbled my answer as Jonas simply looked at me with an apologetic stare. trying desperately to break the awkward silence i got up and dusted myself off as i realised that night was apon us. "ok you sleep I'll take first watch." he nodded and scurried back into the cave. soon enough i heard him snore peacefully.

i zipped up my now dry jacket as the cold draft blew my hair back. i was clutching the blade of my knife, letting my thoughts wander around. i finally found him, alive and well, he's here with me and now i can protect him at all costs.

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