The Pact

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we were all sitting at the dining table, discussing our private session when i told Tomin what had happened at the training center.

"i cant believe you did that! are you out of your mind?! now you have a target on your back and all the careers will hunt you down because you pose a threat to them!" he banged his fists on the table, i was calm and composed "the moment i punched that peacekeeper i had a target on my back apparently, i was top on their kill list anyways"

he looked at me with disbelief "do you know what this mean?! you actually had a chance of winning and now you just blew everything to bits, can you-" he was cut of by the TV announcing the results of our private sessions.

we all moved to the couch area and settled down just as the Hunger Games presenter, Finch Tracer, appeared on the screen. the career pack had all gotten a 10, no suprise here.

the average for the others ran from a 6 to a 8, the boy from 7 was given a whooping 4 and the boy from 9 had a nice 9. Jonas' face appeared on screen alongside the number 8, from what he told us he had used a scythe and slit a dummy's head.

mildly impressive.

when i appeared on screen Tomin held his breath. a 9, i had gotten a 9. that was good i guess.

while everyone stopped watching after i appeared, i waited for Rufus to be announced, he had gotten an 8, then again, not bad. just as the show came to an end i noticed in horror as the boy from 12 with the rope had had a 11, okay he looked like a threat alright.

the evening came to an end and everybody went to their sleeping quarters.

I paced in my room, couldn't sleep. tomorrow was the last day, the day of the inteviews. after that, the games would begin and lifes would be at stake.

Jonas' life would be at stake.

i have to do something, i cant protect him on my own, what if we're separated, i can't be allies with him anyways, i need someone else, someone- i skidded to a stop.


i silently crept out of my room, down the hall and knocked on Tomin's door. i heard a loud grumble and the lights switched on. i heard him mutter under his breath as his heavy footsteps thomped on the marble floor. he opned the door and when he saw me his face changed from pissed to surprised, he took a look in the hallway and when he saw the cost was clear he shoved me into the room.

he sat on the edge of the bed and i awakwardly stood near the door, a pile of pillows lying next to me. "what do you want" he muttered, rubbing his eyes.

"i want to make a deal, look, you and i both know that Jonas does not stand a chance in the arena, he is too sweet, too innocent, he cares too much he will never be able to kill anyone.

now my life means nothing, but his does okay? he needs to live, the Capitol cannot claim yet another innocent life. that is why i am asking you to do anything in your power to save him in the arena, get sponsors, send him gifts, do anything you can"

i looked at him with pleading eyes. he raised his eyebrows in disbelief "so you're trying to tell me you want to die for him, just because the Capitol cannot win, not because you have feelings him?" i blushed hard, "um yea?" he scoffed, his voice tinted with amusement "you like him don't you? he likes you that's for sure but you, you're falling for him!" i huffed, this conversation is going nowhere "listen i dont care what you think, the only thing is i want you to promise me you will do anything to keep him alive." Tomin remained silent for some time, his eye were nervously twitching.

after what had seemed like an hour Tomin broke the silence "fine, I'll try my best, but even if i do i cannot guarantee that he will be a victor" my eyes darkened and i closed the distance in between us and grabbed him by his shirt's neck "you will try your absolute best and Jonas will win" he nodded fervently, good, i think i made myself clear.

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