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as the doors slid closed Tomin pressed the last button on the elevator; roof. "Tomin, in the arena when the bloodbath starts I'm going to let Jonas run away and I'll stay back to protect his tracks, so for some time i won't be with him. until i find him back i want you to protect him at all costs, he cannot die ok?"

I rushed because i knew we didn't have much time. without even looking at me he nodded once, "are we clear?" i needed him to speak up, to show that he was holding his promises, "yes we are clear Cherry" he continued to look straight forward.

the elevator bell dinged and we arrived on the rooftop. a large hovercraft was poised a few feet in front of us, it's mouth open, waiting to engulf me. i turned around to face Tomin, this time he held eye contact, he put his hands on my shoulders and stared at me for some time before breaking the silence "you know you could have won, i still believe in you Cherry"

did Tomin really just show me affection? well that was a first, before i could respond he had me in a tight hug, patting my back "remember our deal" i whispered in his ear, he let go of me and nodded, then pushed me softly towards the mouth of the flying ship.

when i entered all the other tributes were there, strapping themselves in, eyeing me carefully as i took my place next to Jonas. i sat myself in the hard seat and lowered the seatbelt, securing myself well.

i took a look around to see the district one boy, Hadrian staring at me with a mix of a seductive and vindictive stare, perplexed i stared back, he kept looking me up and down, licking his lips like i was a fucking meal.

I'm going to need to stay the hell away from him. Jonas seemed to have noticed how the boy was eyeing me and he shot a dark glare at him, which made the tribute raise his hands in defeat and roll his eyes.

awww, that was cute.

the mouth of the ship slowly shut closed and i felt the hovercraft rumble and lift off the ground. a group of two people dressed in white were passing in front of each tribute, sticking a huge ass needle inside their skin. when the woman came Infront of me she held out her hand expectantly, when she saw i was not going to give her my arm she yanked it from me "hey back off!" i tried to retrieve my arm but i was too late, she had stuck the thing in me, a soft surge of pain shot through my wrist as the thing lodged into my wrist, glowing once.

i eyed her with a dark stare as i rubbed at the place she had inserted the thing. Jonas leaned towards me and put a calming hand on my knee "don't worry it's just your tracker for the arena" i nodded once, quickly and then laid my head back onto the cold wall of the ship, squeezing my eyes shut. i just wanted everyone to dissapear, i felt Jonas' hand still on my knee, rubbing circles in a soothing way. actually no, i want everyone to dissapear except from him.


the ride was long but i must've fallen into a light sleep because i felt someone tap my shoulder and telling me that i need to get up. i groggily got up and was led out of the already empty ship. two peacekeepers pushed me into an elevator which probably led under the arena. we walked for about 15 minutes in a long underground facility when they stopped Infront of a metal door and signalled me to open it. i twisted the nob and the panel slid open in a long creak.

i stepped into the white tiled room and closed the door behind me. when i spotted Clarissa getting up from one of the sofas i ran towards her and hugged her tightly. she returned my hug and pat my head shushing me as my breath became ragged and fast. she pulled out of the embrace and looked me straight into my eyes "it's fine honey don't worry you'll get through this don't worry" i swallowed a sob, no i am not making it out of here.

maybe i should tell her. i need to tell her, i trust her and i need to tell her, "no Clarissa i am not getting out." she looks at me with confusion veiling her eyes, before she opens her mouth to say anything i kick back in " you see, i started to develop feelings for Jonas, strong feelings, and i realised that his life is more important than mine, he is too sweet, too innocent to die, i cannot let the Capitol claim him, so i am going to make sure he wins, regardless if that means i will die."

she looked at me with a shocked expression but then her gaze softened as her eyes welled up with tears. she let out a quivering breath, "oh Cherry you are the bravest person i have ever met, i am so proud of you" she turned her head around and wiped her tears. "now get dressed we don't have much time left. she handed me a pile of clothes and i locked myself in the cabin to change mysefl into my arena clothes. when i stepped out Clarissa took a long look at me and rushed over to my side "now I'm not supposed to say this but your outfit says a lot about the climate of the arena." i was wearing thick spandex leggings and strong leather boots, i had a tight long sleeved shirt with an undercoat and a thick rainproof jacket. on my hands were black fingerless gloves made with a strong material.

"now expect a cold weather and even colder nights, the gloves could mean you will have to climb and the boots and that raincoat means it will rain or snow frequently. now my guess is that the arena is a snowy mountain so be careful."

she reached behing my neck and quickly unlatched my necklace, i was about to push her hands away, i wanted to keep it. instead of taking it away, she slid one of her rings off of her finger and slipped on the chain. i clinked with the other ones as she tied the necklace back on, slipping it under my layers of coats and tshirts. i was about to say thank you when a mechanical voice filled into the room "10 seconds left". i shot her a thankful stare as she pushed me into the glass tube.

as soon as both of my feet were inside the cylinder closed and loud silence filled my ears. i saw her mouth something i didn't quite catch, as the disc was moving up, delivering me to the arena, the place i would die in.

AHHHHHHGGGGG omg omg shit is about to get real!! Can't wait to see what happens next, tbh the arena part is my fav part of the story heheehehe

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