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as my prep team was tranforming me into some different version of me they all chirped and blabblered on about the games and all the other tributes amd rumors.

i decided to tune them all out, they voices were high pitched and annoying and the content of their discussions were extremely useless. when they were finally done the woman named Farola held up a mirror to my face and i gasped in awe.

my face was surprisingly not that much altered, my eyes were coated with a black, cat like eyeliner and my lips were jet black. my cheeks were a light shade of pink and a few dark stroke designs ornated my cheeks. my hair was let down in flowy curls and two ears sat on top of my head, ah yes, the cat theme, i had forgotten about that. i was amazed by how i looked, i almost didn't recognize myself yet i looked more like me than i had ever did.

i just stood there in awe as the crew giggled and looked at each others with pride, one guy who was named Nillo was even crying. "thank you" i whispered to no one in particular.

soon after the door flew open and Clarissa barged in. she skidded in her steps and gazed at me. she let out a gasp and rushed over to my chair. she cupped my face in her hands and tears welled up in her eyes.

"oh Cherry you look stunning, i just can't believe after tomorrow... you'll be gone. you better win for us huh cat girl" suddenly the whole prep team was around me, squishing me in a tight embrace, everyone was crying and i was standing there, too stunned to speak. sure they were all annoying with they stupid Capitol voices and their useless talk but they had grown on me and the affection they gave me was priceless. Clarissa was the first to break the hug "now now we need to get you dressed Cherry the interview starts in an hour."


as Clarissa said, one hour later i was ready. she had really outdone herself this time. the outfit for the chariot ride was beautiful but this one, this one was gorgeous.

i was wearing a beautiful velvet gown: the top was corset like with large tulle sleeves, the skirt was made of poofy black velvet and a light tulle train starting in the front and ending in the back like a tail. my nails were once more sharpened into cat claws and thanks to Clarissa i was wearing flat black shoes but no heels.

it was amazing and for once it looked like it fit me, it really conresponded to me, i had told Tomin i wanted no angle and to be natural, he probably told them. i felt like i was floating on a cloud of glee and all of the sudden the thought of tomorrow popped my bubble.

my smile faded and i could see on the mirror across me my face fell into a sad look. Clarissa seemed to have noticed as she stepped on the pedestal next to me and squeezed my shoulders. "you will make it cat girl, i have no doubt about that, and even if you dont, you will still have a special place in my heart" something about her voice was reasuring and the sudden beam of depression seemed to have lightened.

an operator opened the door and told me to go to the waiting lobby as the interviews were about to start. my stylist lightly pushed me to the door and i walked down the corridor. the lobby was big, all the tributes were already there, i was the last one to come.

as i strided towards Jonas everyone seemed to stare at me again, what was it with staring with these people?! uncomfortable under the looks of everybody i sat next to Jonas. he was wearing a midnight black velvet suit. very simple, yet very hot.

what? no!

i mentally slapped my face, what was i thinking?! soon enough the light on the stage became increasingly bright and Finch Tracer appeared at the corner of the stage and started to head for the two couched placed in the middle.

everyone went crazy when they saw him and he was waving and smiling like a lunatic. his hair was poised in a bun on his head and it was a bright yellow colour, matching his eyebrows, eye colour and suit. he sat down and started to chat to the crowd about the interviews and everything.

i tuned out the dialogue when i felt Jonas nudge me, "you look gorgeous tonight, well you do all the time, not that im a creep and I look at you all-" he started to turn all red with embarrassment and i stopped him, smiling gently "it's fine don't worry i understand, thank you though. you don't look too bad yourself" he smiled widely like an idiot and lowered his head.

soon enough the first tribute was called up. the girl from 1 was wearing a bright orange dress with yellow sparkles. i didn't listen closely really and i just stared blankly at the ceiling, the bright yellow light was glimmering and i could clearly see all the little wires inside.

i felt a sharp pinching like pain in my arms and i jerked my head in the direction of the assaulter, rubbing my arm roughly.

Rufus of course.

i elbowed him in his flanc and he bent over with the impact. "oww why did you do that for" he was half laughing half serious. "why did i do that? why did you pinch me you moron?!" i huffed, pissed "no nothing i just wanted to tell you, your dress is great, you look bad but the dress is great" he smirked and i gave him a mocking smile.

what an idiot. i shook my head and directed my focus back to the TV wait there was the girl from district 9. did i zone out that long?!

the buzzer sound erupted from behind them and the tribute and the presentator both rose as he waved her goodbye she exited the stage.

right after the boy from 9 came up and they started blabbering about the games and his home district.

soon enough i was shoved in the corridor leading to the stage by an unruly peacekeeper. as soon as the boy exited i was shoved into the blinding light of the gigantic auditorium.

Ok I so sorry for the slow updates but it could be worse ok! I'm trying my best here so show some love, comment vote share.
Mwa love you all

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