District 10

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stuck in my thoughts i had not realised that we were nearing district 10 so when i finally caught a glimpse of my hometown i jumped right out of my seat and raced through the train, sqealing with excitement.

when i finally arrived at the door Estelle was already there, i skidded to a stop breathlessly as she smiled at me and announced the doors would open in a few minutes. i rushed over to the window to see the small station packed with every single person of district 10 waiting for me, cheering and calling out my name.

Estelle ushered me to her side and grabbed my hand as the silver doors slid open. the loud noise of the people chanting and yelling fulled my ears as the fresh scent of straw and cattle filled my nose. sure it wasn't the best scent but it smelled like home and that was priceless.

we stepped out onto the platform and as i scanned the crowd i saw my parents huddled in a corner, crying and waving frantically at me. after looking around more i finally saw Jonas, he was standing in the middle, sobbing and clutching a rose in his hands. i wanted jump down the stage and run to him but before i had to shake hands with every important person of the district.

after what had felt like an eternity i finally leaped down the steps of the stage and ran through the crowd to him, people seemed to know what I was doing as they all parted until i finally reached him.

we crashed together and i jumped in his strong yet delicate arms, we hugged tightly for a good length of time. he buried his face in the nook of my neck, taking in my whole body. i clung to him so tight like it was the last time i would hug him but on the contrary it was only the first time followed by a life time.

he pulled out his head and pressed his forehead to mine as he whispered gently "i love you so much Cherry" he gave me the rose and i pressed it to my lips as i responded "i love you too Jonas" we kissed one last time as he put me down and i went towards my parents.

they looked so moved and they were crying so hard as they opened their arms, we hugged tightly as they kept whispering how they were so proud of me. finally the station emptied and only my parents, Jonas, Estelle and i were left, along with a few peacekeepes. she skipped towards us, her heels clacking on the concrete ground.

"hello hello Cherry' parents, hello dear Jonas. now we still need to figure out the housing topic" she eyed me intensly, urging me to tell them what was "ok so as you know i am given a house at the victor's village right? Estelle here pulled some strings and managed to settle this agreement; you guys will get a house of your own next to mine, in which Jonas and i will live. if that's ok with you, mom and dad, and with you Jonas then we need to get our things"

my parents looked at each other for a second before nodding energetically "of course darling whatever makes you happier! as long as we get to see you often." i smiled and nodded before turning to Jonas, i held his hands tightly in mine "so what do you say? do you want to move in with me? i understand if you dont want because of your pa-" he stopped me mid sentence and smiled sheepishly "of course i want to Red, anything for you"

i melted on the spot but thankfully Estelle's sharp nails dug into my shoulder and woke me up as she led me away, signalling at everyone to follow us "now chop chop, Jonas go pack your bags and meet us up at the village, Cherry's parents come with me you need to pack your stuff, the houses are already furnished you just need to pack your last personal items" with one last kiss Jonas and i parted to go get our belongings packed so we could soon settle in our new home.

my old home was exactly the same as i left it, the walls were crumbling and every gush of wind was felt inside the building.

it was miserable but it was my home and leaving it was like leaving am old piece of me. i shoved a few personal items in a duffle bag which was given to me. i didn't want to keep much so the only things i took were; an old photograph of my parents and i, the dress i had worn for the reaping, my mom's old hair ribbon she had gifted to me some time ago, the knife i had gotten for my 16th birthday and an old vase in which my mom would always put fresh flowers for me when i came back in my room.

as i was about to leave on second thoight i ripped the blanket off the crumbling bed, i had knitted it myself when my mom had taught me how to and it helped me survive a few winters.

i ran downstairs and out to the front garden to find my parents waiting for me, a few bags piled up at their feet.

my father had wrapped his arm around my mom's shoulder as he held her tight they both looked up at our old house. "everything ok?" they looked really sad, like it was tearing them apart.

my mom sniffled and pulled out a tissue from her pocket, dabbing her tears. "no it's, it's fine honey. there are just so many memories in this house you know it's just like-"

i tilted my head and smiled sadly "you don't want to move do you? it's ok don't worry i understand." they looked at each other and nodded slowly at me "it's fine I'll come visit you as often as i can don't worry" i went in for a hug and we stood there for some time before i finally broke away from the embrace and bid them my goodbyes two peacekeepers took my bag and escorted me to the victor's village, the walk was kind of long but i would still visit my dear parents as often as possible.

i completely understand their choice, their whole life was in that place and i couldn't expect for them to give it all up.

when i finally passed the gates of the village i saw Jonas and Estelle's figure standing in front of one of the mansions. when i got to them my escort looked behind me and her eyes questionned me, i waived my hand in the air "they chose to stay" she nodded lightly and gestured towards the house

"well i present your new home for you two lovebirds. come on i want to take a picture, stand on the porch." she ushured us on the front door steps and Jonas wrapped his hands around my shoulders, exactly like my dad did to my mom.

the feeling warmed me inside as Estelle's camera flashed and a strip of paper popped out of the machine.

she handed it to us excitedly "here you go, this is going to be the very first picture you will get to hang on your wall. now go on, enter your new house, settle in and explore as I'll be on my way."

i smiled and hugged her tightly as she turned back and slowly dissapeared in the distance.

i smiled lightly at him, his ocean blue eyes glinting with love and glee.

this was the start of a new life and hand in hand we opened the door to our brand new abode.

The end.

Well, I cannot believe this is the end but this is. I'm really happy and proud about this one. If you want to check out my other story, for now it's called "Cut for the job" but I want to change the title. Anyways you should definitely check it out it's my new baby ☺️.

Thank you so much!!



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