The fog

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it felt like we were walking in circles for hours.

the fog blurred our vision and we couldn't see anything, let alone direct ourselves in an unknown forest.

the thick air made it hard to breathe and so we had to cough once in a while to clear our throat of the thick substance. "are we even going away from it? or are we just walking in fucking circles which just makes us stay inside this darn fog!?"

i was pissed and tired and the thing felt like it was sticking to my skin, never letting go. we hadn't talked since we came down that tree and the silence was becoming unbearable. Rufus huffed "listen Cherry i have no idea where we're going ok, im just trying my best to get us out of here, thing you are not doing because you keep complaining and trailing behind me like a 5 years old!"

i skidded to a stop, outraged. i grabbed his arm and forced him to turn around. "woah what the hell is wrong with you!? firstly i thought you knew where you were going genius and secondly i am not behaving like a baby and I have not opened my fucking mouth for the whole time! i wanted to let you be in control for once so that's why I was walking behind, but apparently you cannot handle that either so f-"

he stopped me mid sentence and grabbed my head making me duck. "Cherry careful!" he lunged at something behind me and stuck his sword in it, the thing let out a yap and fell on the soil. when i turned around i saw a huge four legged figure laying on the ground, it's pure white fur was stained with red specks of blood and it's nuzzle was long and you could see sharp and imposing teeth sticking out of its mouth. what is this thing? a dog? nah not possible it's too big.

Rufus read my mind as he stood there panting, looking at the thing he had killed "it's a wolf, a big ass vicious white wolf" we heard growls behind us and we both looked at each other with pure terror in our eyes.

we slowly turned around to face a pack of at least 10 clones of the wolf that was on the ground. as one of them was about to pounce on us i pulled Rufus' sleeve and screamed at him to run.

the mutts were running behind, their huge clawed paws hammering on the ground behind us. no way we would outrun them and fighting them was absolutely not an option.

think Cherry, think come on! a thought popped in my head as i yelled in Rufus' direction "TREE, WE NEED TO CLIMB A TREE!" my throat was burning because of the thick fog and my legs were weakening, we needed to climb or we would die.

he nodded once and gestured at a tree a few feet away from us. wolves cannot climb i think, let's just hope these can't.

in a last effort i threw myself onto the trunk and frantically started climbing. i heard a piercing scream beneath me and looked down, Rufus was halfway up but a wolf had the boy's foot in his mouth.

tears welled up in his eyes and he looked at me with desperation. i climbed back down a bit and held out my hand for him to grab, but the wolf was too strong. he was holding on for dear life onto the tree, his leg had become a bloody mash of flesh and bone.


tears were obscuring my vision but I kept pleading him to latch onto me, he finally let go with one hand to grab mine but the branch which he was pushing himself on broke and he fell backwards.

everything slowed and i saw him fall, the look in his eyes was resolved, he knew he was going to die.


i screamed but he hit the ground with a sickening thud and in a second the whole pack of beasts was on him. he screamed a horrifying scream, calling my name, begging me to kill him.

i stood there for a few seconds, frozen. not realising what I was doing i let go of my knife and as a tear rolled down my cheek the blade dug itself into his chest and the cannon boomed. the wolves dragged the lump of bloody flesh and bones away as the fog cleared and everything went back to normal.

i clung to the wooden branch and let all my tears stream down my face, his agonizing scream echoing over and over again in my head.


after a few hours of crying and rocking myself in the tree, night had started to fall. i refused to stay here any longer as i entered auto pilot mode and slid down the tree, i carefully tried to not step on the puddle of bloody mud as i made my way to a stream we had found earlier on.


Rufus and i.

he was gone.

tears welled up in my eyes but I blinked them away, refusing to think of him.

soon enough i had found the stream, i filled up my water canteed of the icy water and splashed it on my face, the cold water woke me up as i decided to rinse my whole body.

the fog had clung to my skin and i wanted to wash it away, along the the thought of Rufus. carefully inspecting my surroundings i stripped to my undergarments and jumped into the stream, ignoring the searing icy cold feeling streaming through my nerves.

when i had washed off everything clean off my body i draped myself into my blanket and put my clothes back on. i had finally regained consciousness of my actions and realised how stupid what i just did was.

I shook my head as i searched around for a shelter for the night. a few feet away from the stream i found a small cave and after gathering a few branches to protect the entrance i slipped in a lit a small fire.

while i was drying my hair i heard the anthem play in the sky. i got out of my shed and stood there, staring at the sky. when Rufus' face appeared, slient tears rolled down my frozen cheeks and i pressed my three middle fingers to my lips and raised them in the air.

my head flooded with thoughts of him as i slid back into my shelter, i put out the fire and snuggled into my sleeping bag, my hands laying on my knifes to be able to whip them out quickly if attacked.


Don't hate me ok i had to kill him off at some point...

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