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on the last day of training before the private sessions with the Gamemakers everything seemed to go smoothly.

i had kept to the survival part of the training to not reveal my ability with knifes. as i was painting my hand to make it look like moss, no idea why i was doing that, i finally got to carefully look around. the activity i was doing did not require my full attention so I alowed myself to examine the other tributes in depth.

the pair from 1 were brother and sister. they were tall with black hair and brown eyes. they were well built and looked pretty strong.

the girl's strenght seemed to be lifting weights and the boy was handy with a sword.

from district two were Calisse and Dorian, they were copies of 1, except they were smaller. both were good with Archery.

the girl from 3 seemed extremely vicious, she had a crazy glimpse to her eyes which scared me a bit. i made a mental note to stay away from her.

her male counterpart was the complete opposite of her. from district 4 to 8 there was nothing to worry about, they were well built but terrible at fighting. the only other tributes that had caught my eyes were Glaze, the girl from 9 who was very good with an axe and had immense strengh. the boy from 12 was weirdly good with rope which seemed like nothing to worry about but to me it looked pretty vicious the way he handled it. and finally Rufus, he was great weilding a sword and he seemed to be getting off quite well with the career pack.

what a traitor.

they were going to kill him off first that's for sure, he was going to die because of his stupid cockyness. what a twat.

as i said everything seemed to be going well until Jonas stepped in the knife throwing range.

Calisse and the boy from 1 were already there. both were pretty decent to be honest, but Jonas, Jonas was not great to say the least.

the first four tries he completely missed the targets, and the the stupid pair were snickering and laughing his back, making snarky comments.

Jonas seemed to notice that, he turned slightly around and saw what they were doing. he turned all red and began to put the knifes down.

nope, hell no.

i strided towards the station and positioned myself behind the two little jerks. i tapped the girl's shoulder, "hey there Chalisse" i got her name wrong which made her twitch aggressively, perfect.

"i see you're mocking him because he's missing, so why dont you demonstrate to us your amazing talents before mocking huh smarty-pants?" I knew she was good, but that was the point, just wait and see.

she huffed "pff i am better than anyone here so my pleasure, let me demonstrate how it's done" i smiled to myself.

Jonas looked utterly terrified and bewildered, don't worry i mouthed at him. Calisse stepped in front of the targets with a few knifes in her hand.

i placed myslef next to her and waited for her to throw. the moment she was about to let go of the kife i gently pushed her to the side, and her weapon went flying, missing the target.

Clarissa, of Charisse or whatever her name was seemed pretty pissed "oops my bad sorry i tripped" i shot her an apologetic smile and she was fuming. she threw the knife, i nudged her, and it flew right past the target. she did it again and again, and missed again and again thanks to me.

"well it seems you're not that good at it are you? so next time, don't laugh at someone failing when you can't do it either." as i was about to turn around she called me "why don't you show us what you can do, Charry"

that little bitch.

i slowly turned around to see everyone looking at our little argument. he was clutching a kife so hard her knuckles went white. she stepped off of the little pedestal and motionned for me to go. i knew i was good with knifes. but under pressure? i recalled all the training i had had with my dad, he had taught me how to throw them in the field in from of our house and we spent hours there, the sweet memory stinged me and I snapped back to reality.

i felt my cheeks go red. everyone was staring, and the girl probably thought I was going to fail, judging by the smug grin on her face.

i grabbed four of the sharp blades and poised myself.

breathe in, breathe out, extend your arm, coil back and throw. in a woosh, the blade hit bullseye. Calisse let out a shocked gasp. pushed by the sudden surge of confidence i threw two at once, double jackpot. i turned around to face the girl, "well..." dont miss, dont miss, don't do it, i tried to warn myself, if i miss the embarassement would be enourmous. without turning around i threw the knife and cringed with apprehension. judging by the commom gasp of the crowd i knew i hit well. with a cocky smile on my face i bowed to everyone and turned away, back to the camouflage station.

soon enough everyone scattered and the career was left on her ass, humiliated. well i was dead meat now that's for sure.

while we were waiting to be taken in for our private session with the Gamemakers, Jonas sat next to me.

"thanks for standing up for me by the way" i grunted a reply, "you really let her speechless, you left everyone speechless" i nodded my head, my face emotionless. but inside i was blowing up, sure it was just a stupid compliment but it felt so nice.

i mentally slapped my face, i sounded like a stupid schoolgirl. i dont like him, but you do, i don't like him, but you do, i just don't want him to die because that would mean the Capitol would win and i am a good person willing to die because my life meant nothing, no it's because you like him. i was cut out of my daze when a blank voice called out my name. wait Jonas was already gone?!

i hadn't noticed.

i shook all these intrusive thoughts away and strider confidently to the door.
the room was huge, it was full with weapons and trinkets of every kind.

the Gamemakers were in a sort of lounge, floating above the room. i went straight for the kives. "sponsors, sponsors, get a good number, get good sponsors" i reapeated this phrase over and over again. i threw a few of the knifes using all the techniques i knew, the crowd of old men seemed bored though to say the least.

for my last move i decided to go big. i climbed up one of the huge walls. when i was at the top i secured my grip and turned around. okay, the dummy was further than i thought, but I can make it, i will make it. gathering all my strengh i threw the knives and hit bullseye.

i smiled to myself and left the room.

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