Chapter 17 - Happy to help!

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Alexander Stone

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Alexander Stone.

"This car is rustyyyyy," George sang as he ran his pointer finger along the vintage car we decided to fix up.

"Worth the fix though," I knocked on the rusty roof of the car.

Ever since we were kids, we were obsessed with the cars you'd see in old Hollywood films, and when we were teenagers we started fixing up old cars, giving them a new polish. It's one of my favourite hobbies that I shared with George and now another little person too.

"You ready, princess?" I craned my neck downwards to see my adorable baby girl.

I put her hair up in a high ponytail, pushed back by a red bandana with a knot in the front. She was wearing a white t-shirt paired with baggy blue overalls and I couldn't get enough of it.

I changed my screensaver for the fifth time this week and it was only Wednesday.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" She squealed and jumped into my arms.

Whilst George got working on the bottom of the car, I popped open the hood of the car, with Maxine in my arms.

As it elevated it made a sharp, squeaking noise and mountains of dust flew in the air.

Maxine coughed and scrunched her little nose, "Ugh! Yucky!"

I smacked the dust away, "I know honey, that's why we gotta make it new again."

I started pointing at the different parts of the car, what to fix, what to tighten and Maxine nodded eagerly, absorbing the information.

I didn't want her to be helpless and to rely on other people when she was older. What if she was stuck on a highway with a flat tyre? I'd want her to change the tyre herself and be proud of her accomplishment.

I know I was starting her off young but I just couldn't wait to share my interests with her. George and I also thought this would be fun to lift Maxine's spirits.

She was doing better after the 'Cookie incident' but she still didn't want to go to school. Not yet.

After a while of me explaining things to Maxine, she held her hand over mine as she helped me tighten a gear.

"Monkey! I need the flashlight, please!" George yelled from underneath the car.

"On it!" She jumped off me and peddled her little legs to the toolbox in the corner.

She pulled out the flashlight and ran to George, nudging him with her foot. He slid out from underneath the car and happily accepted the flashlight.

"Thank you, beautiful," He kissed her forehead and she giggled, "I'm happy to help! Like, Fix it, Felix!" She did the pose of that character from 'Wreck it Ralph' I think? It was the movie with the big guy who smashed shit around.

MAXINE & STONE (REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now