Chapter 27 - The Bestest Christmas Ever

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Alexander Stone.

My eyes shot open at the sound of wailing coming from the bedroom next door.

I leapt out of bed frantically and ran into Maxine's room, barging the door wide open to find my baby girl sitting upright on her bed, clutching Cookie in her arms and sobbing relentlessly.

"Baby?" I approached her gently. I couldn't see her clearly as the only light in the room was the nightlight. I crouched before her, "What's wrong, honey?" I whispered softly.

She shook her head and kicked her legs at me, "You-you can't come close!"

My eyebrows furrowed with concern, "Tell me what's wrong, sweetheart."

Maxine sniffed and hyperventilated, "I–I-" I could tell her throat pained from the sobs she couldn't control. I rubbed her back soothingly, "Take your time,"

"I-I had a scary dream," She shakily whispered.

My face fell with despair, "Oh, baby," I sighed softly and hugged her tightly in my arms.

"And I pee-pee on the bed," She added quietly and I froze as I held her in my embrace.

"Oh, baby," I unthinkingly grimaced and slowly let go of her. The room flooded with her heart-wrenching wails. Shit. I didn't mean to do that.

Regret filled me. "No, no, no, don't cry. It's fine, it's fine," I wiped her tears away with the pad of my thumb, "Daddy's going to clean you up, come on," I hooked two hands under her arms and noticed the large and damp stain on the bed. That's a lot of pee. But I didn't care if I got stained, just as long as she was clean and safe, that's all that mattered.

I placed her on the bathroom counter and slowly lifted the unicorn-patterned nightshirt over her head, pulled her damp trousers from her legs and tossed it in the nearest laundry basket.

Maxine sobbed quietly, "It's...It's embarrassing," She hiccupped.

"No, it's not," I cupped her face with the palm of my hand, "It's perfectly normal. I did all the time when I was your age," I comforted her.

Maxine stopped crying and gazed at me with her tearful, big, brown eyes, "You?"

I nodded with a small smile, "Yeah, hon'. Oh, I can't tell you how many times Rosemary had to wake up in the middle of the night to clean me up after my nightmares," My nightmares being realities of my father beating me black and blue. But she didn't need to know that.

Maxine let out a watery chuckle.

I narrowed my eyes at her playfully. "It's not funny, baby girl!" I yelled, pretending to be offended and she giggled harder. I tickled her chubby belly and she squirmed and shrieked.

MAXINE & STONE (REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now