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My converse dangled at my fingertips, and my eyes closed whilst the waves brushed against my ankles. I could feel the melted sand underneath the water. My painted toes curled into it, and the peace of the sun blazing onto me and the wind in midst of trees far away made my eyes shut a tiny bit harder.

"Yo!" Jake shouted, before my head spun to him, but I stayed stood in the water.
He noticed my attention gravitate to him. "You want the rest of this?" He said as he held up the blunt he'd rolled.

Jake wore denim shorts that were so blue they looked like the view of the ocean and it meant I could spot him from afar, they were rolled up due to how far he trod into the sea with me, before he sat down and lit the blunt he was now smoking. He had sand stuck to his hairy legs, so tanned just from being in the sun that day which was something I envied him for.

I effortlessly lifted my feet out of the water and made my way to him, throwing my shoes on the blanket and plopping down next to him. I took the blunt between my fingers.

"Want to go to the club, for food?" He softly said after lifting his wrist to check the time. It was late afternoon, and since both of us woke up late we hadn't eaten for the whole day.
"Can we go somewhere else? What if I see someone?" I replied and squinted my eyes to get a better view of him in the glaze of the sun.

He hastily grabbed the blunt from my lips, "Like where?"

Glancing to the floor I drew shapes into the sand and pushed away the thoughts of the fun I used to have at the club. Playing golf with Rafe, cocktails with the pogues, driving the golf carts.

"And besides, Bee, you went to that party the other day which wasn't the right move if you 'don't want to see anyone'." He almost scoffed. He was right, it wasn't the smartest thing I'd ever done. I'd soon realised being back here that I'd been kidding myself every time I said  I was better now than I used to be, because it seemed like the list of stupid things I was doing just kept getting longer and longer.

"Ok. Fine, we can go to the club." I said, watching him nod. I mapped out the menu in my head.

With that, we both stood up, brushed the sand from our legs, grabbed our shoes and strolled along the beach towards the stairs. I could tell my skin was burnt. I wore a summers dress that had little red flowers patterned across it, the straps at the back crossed and showed off my treasured tattoo that I got a couple of months ago. It was just a little flower, the birth flower of Tasha to be exact. A daffodil.

It was only a 2 minute walk, and it wasn't long until we were sat and tucked in to a feast of chips and pizza, cheddar cheese melted across the top.

My eyes did wander my surroundings. Everything was so bright and every colour was exaggerated under the sun, I could feel my skin sizzle, the tan lines already prominent. "Who are you looking for?" My brother said, shoving a handful of chips into his mouth.

"Im not looking for anyone." I replied and picked at the little bowl of pesto pasta with my fork. I glanced up to him, strings of cheese falling from the corner of his mouth. "You're so disgusting." I muttered under my breath, his eyes glaring into mine. "He's not here, so stop looking." Jake said amusingly.

"What are you talking about? Eat your food and shut up."

"Rafe. He's not here."

I slammed my fork into the bowl at his careless words, the clanging making him shoot me a roll of his eye. He knew that his name alone would wind me up. My appetite had vanished and fury rushed through me like a crashing wave. "Why would you say that? You're not funny Jake, in fact you're really fucking annoying."

He scoffed loudly, but he remained silent. Biting the inside of my cheek I observed him slowly nod his head and continue to eat like nothing had happened, and that he didn't just purposely ruin my whole day for his own personal amusement.

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