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The floor was damp and camouflaged in puddles, and the rain fell so hard onto my car windows that I could hardly make out the flashing sign that read 'motel'. It was a red sign, in capital letters and neon lights. Harshly, I gulped the fear away from my throat and into my stomach. My car was parked amongst all the others in the relatively small lot. The motel was 3 floors high, long rows of small rooms with a white fence outlining the whole building. Someone sat in a hood on the staircase, their head low and a fag in their hand. Another 2 people stood outside the little bar that was a separate building attached to the motel. They argued, spitting in each others faces as rain dripped off their clothes.

Taking deep breaths I exited my car that id been sat in for the previous 15 minutes, and headed to room 501. I walked up one set of stairs, careful to not slip on the unstable steps. I walked down the narrow balcony, heart thumping faster and faster with each step, until I stopped in front of the door, painted red, with the sign 501 stuck on the front of it, which had been graffitied on violently. I shut my eyes and listened to the howls of the wind behind me, the trees being flung around in all directions that flicked water off its leaves onto the floor and the roofs of cars.

I knocked three times. My skin turned cold as I watched through the thin drawn curtains, but all I could see was a darkness shift through the light, and that was when the door unlocked from the other end, and my neck tilted backwards so I could meet eyes with him. He stepped to the side and allowed me into the room, which I quickly scanned. I wondered why it was this room. Why he chose this one, or what he'd done in this room before. If it was just a random one, a random location, the first motel that came up when he searched it on google. The main light was off, but the lamps on the bedside tables were on, emitting a dull light that left the other end of the room almost pitch black.

The carpet had small stains in some areas, and I could smell the hints of air freshener that had clearly been used to cover up the smell of sewage that lingered outside. I removed my coat, gently placing it on one of the chairs in the corner of the room, and I put my phone onto the tiny round table in front of it. The bed was freshly made, a grey blanket folded and placed along the width of it at the end. I felt cold in my clothes, the same floral dress, and I soon regretted taking my coat off.

"You cold?" he asked, still standing next to the door, both hands in his pocket. I glanced up to him, the same redness in his eyes that looked wide and alert.

I nodded my head. "A little bit." I softly replied, before I watched him walk over to the electric fireplace under the small tv, where he grabbed the remote and fiddled with the buttons until a little flame appeared behind the glass.

Rafe removed his grey north face jacket, revealing a black polo shirt underneath, his skin tanned and glistening next to the fire. His eyes fluttered as he stepped back, and sat himself on the end of the bed.

He looked to the floor. "You wanted to talk." he mumbled.

I bit the corner of my lip softly, then resulted in biting the skin off the insides of my cheeks. Even before all of this, Rafe Cameron intimidated me, made me nervous, but this was a whole different story, I couldn't bare the hatred between our chests, the tension in between breaths and the awkwardness in our stances.

"I think there's a lot to talk about, don't you?" I said, unsure of where to put my arms or where to look or how to stand.

Rafe raised his head and locked eyes with me, his face barely visible and my eyes strained to try and catch his expression. "Like I said, I don't think I have much to say to you." he lowly mumbled. "But I'll listen to whatever it is you have to say."

I tried to think of what to say, even after rehearsing so many points in my head. The practise seemed useless, considering his presence practically had me brain dead. I didn't believe him when he said he had nothing to say to me, I found it impossible for him to have watched me leave for a whole year, and still not have 1 thing to say. I would've been ok with him screaming at me, anywhere was a start, and all I wanted out of this was closure, to heal all the scars we'd given each other.

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