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They held their surfboards under their armpits. It was a new day, rainy like the one before and windy as ever, but all that meant to those teenagers was big and brutal waves as they crashed into their feet, and a huge opportunity to ride them.

Blair stood in the midst of jj Maybank and sarah cameron, two individuals who she'd spent the past year thinking about every single day. And she couldn't comprehend the feeling of being besides them. Her shoulder touched his, as it moved up and down in sync with his deep breaths, excitement brewing in his chest as the sea roughened.

"Come on, then." jj chirped, grinning widely as he ran through the sand, flicking his head round his shoulder occasionally to ensure the two girls were following him. Both of their lips were identical to his, curled and wide.

Blair and Sarah raced through the rain hand in hand, finally letting their fingers slip away from each other's as their surf boards crashed against the water, their arms now dangling from the edges and paddling in the ice cold sea. All three of them couldn't rid the smile on their faces. Their content hearts that were full and heavy were anchored, unwilling to move.

"Brace yourself guys!" Jj shouts loudly, water dripping from his darkened hair and his eyelashes which sheltered his deep blue eyes. With that, the girls used their arms to prop themselves up, their feet now on the board, arms out for stability, like they were about to walk the plank.
They were soon on top of the wave, cruising up and down it with no fears. Thunder charged at them from above, sparks of lightning making their hearts thump a little more.

"They're crazy." Pope chuckled, watching from the shore.

Kiara nodded her head, John b's eyebrow raise confirming his friends statement. "Tell me about it. They have a death wish." The girl choked, gazing at the 3 blurs in the distance.

They sat, freezing, under a wooden hut that looked out onto the ocean, where they observed their friends dart across the sea as quick as the lightning touched it. Patters onto the soaked wood softened, and a smile fixed itself onto Kiara's face as she noticed the blurs becoming more magnified, knowing she'd have Blair back close to her in just a few seconds.

Jj's hair was outgrown, noticeable as it bounced up and down with every firm step he took towards his friends. "Let's get the fire started." John b clapped, rubbing his hands together before flicking his thumb along the spark wheel of his lighter which was covered in stickers of skulls and weed plants.

"Here, have this." Kie beamed as she flung a blanket around the shoulders of the 2 girls who were both shivering, their hair dark and curled. "Thankyou kie" Blair softly hummed, before huddling up to the fire which generated enough heat to feel as if her eyes were being forced shut.

John b's arms were wrapped around his knees as he held them to his chest, kie's chestnut eyes were big and round, settled directly onto Blair in complete awe at her presence. Jj ripped open an 8 pack of beers, chucking them around like pass the parcel. Sarah's head rested snug on Blair's shoulder, and Pope sat crossed legged next to jj, glaring into the fire in complete thought.

"This feels, so.." Blair whispered, glancing up and locking eyes with jj.
"Weird?" John b chuckled, his eyes sparkling above the light that emitted from the fire.

"Weird." Blair laughed, and although in that moment she was the happiest she'd been in a long long time, the thought of packing her bags, walking through the airport and getting back on that plane in just 8 days time, killed every cell in her body. "It's not been the same without you." Pope stated whilst smiling gently, but there were hints of pain in the croak to his voice.

Tears soaked Blair's eyes. "I've missed you guys so much."

"We've missed you too." Jj softly said as he looked to the floor with red cheeks and tanned skin, that glistened like diamonds next to the flames of the fire.

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