Part 1

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She heaved one more deep sigh - extra loud, this time - to signal her talking friend that she was bored and totally not interested in what she was hearing.

"Yah! Stop sighing! Pay attention! This is important!" Sooyoung pointed the long ruler at Tiffany.

"Just let it come naturally!" She argued.

"The days of waiting are over, Hwang Miyoung. It's time you take matters into your own hands. You've been single for way too long."

She rolled her eyes. "You've just been officially dating him for two months, Choi Sooyoung! You're no expert."

"Fine! Then listen to someone with more experience then." Sooyoung pointed at the third person in the room who was busy with her phone. "Yah! Soonkyu! Stop playing that stupid game and help me out here!"

"Shut up! I'm close to breaking my own persona-... ARGH! Darn it!" Sunny almost threw her phone. "I hate these stupid animal heads!" She pouted then looked up. "What?"

"Miss Choi here thinks that she's such an expert."

"And Miss Hwang here thinks that she doesn't need our help."

"Just talk to her!" Sunny got ready to start a new game. "You've been eyeing her for months. Introduce yourself nicely. That's the first step in any dating rule."

"Her?" Sooyoung was shocked. She looked at Tiffany. "It's a girl!?"

"Why did you have to blurt it out like that?" She asked her short friend who was already staring at her phone once again, thumbs moving in high speed. She grabbed the phone.


"Why did you agree to come if all you want to do is play games?" She placed the phone on the bed.

"Shikshin dragged me here." Sunny grabbed her phone again, still mumbling spells and incantations to turn her friend into one of the animal heads as punishment for making her lose the game.

"It's a girl?!" Sooyoung repeated herself.

"Yes. It's a girl" she said. "Which is why I prefer not having too many people know about it. I don't even know if she swings that way." She leaned back on the wall, hugging her unicorn plushie.

"I never knew that you were into girls." Sooyoung blinked. She was still staring at her friend like it was the first time they met.

"I didn't either" commented Sunny.

"I'm not exactly into girls... it's just..." She didn't know exactly how to explain it.

"That girl returned the wallet Fany dropped, helped retrieve a book from the top shelf by climbing a ladder Miss Miyoung here thought was too high and scary, and she even let her take her place in the toilet queue last month." Sunny named all the random events that lead to Tiffany's fascination with the girl they were talking about.

"Last month? Oh! You mean when they shut off the water and our whole building's toilets were closed for maintenance?" Sooyoung clearly remembered the pain of having to run all the way to another building just to do her little business.

Sunny nodded.

Sooyoung frowned. "That's it? You like her because she did all that?"

"I think she smiled at her too" added Sunny.

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