Part 5

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She turned around after grabbing the vitamin bottle, heading to the cash register. Her eyes caught some students making their way inside the minimart from the corner of eye but thought nothing of it. She was about to look away when she saw a familiar short girl making her way inside the minimart behind the group of people, typing on her phone. She smiled shyly when the girl lifted her head and their eyes met.

"Hi" said Taeyeon as she approached Tiffany, pocketing her phone.


"Grabbing a snack?" Taeyeon looked at the candy and vitamin bottle Tiffany was holding. "Vitamin drinks? Are you sick?"

"No no, I'm fine. I just feel like needing an extra boost for class later."

"Ah okay."

She looked behind Taeyeon. "Where's your friend?"

"You mean Sica?"

She nodded.

"That lazy Voldermort skipped class today" Taeyeon explained with a small grin.

She smiled back. "I see." So you still remember my nickname for her, huh?

A pause.

"Um... what time is your class?" Taeyeon asked.

"In about..." She checked her watch. "30 minutes."

"Oh. Where?"

"Third floor."

"Okay. I'll walk you there."

"You don't have class after this?"

Taeyeon shook her head. "Mostly morning classes this semester, remember?"

"Oh. Okay then. Let me pay for these first." She went up to the cash register.

Taeyeon waited patiently until Tiffany was done. She then walked next to her, out of the minimart towards the elevators.

They didn't say another word to each other until they stepped out of the crowded elevator. They walked slowly, keeping their distance away from the crowd.

"What time does your class end?" Taeyeon asked.

"Around 5, usually. Depends on my lecturer though."


They kept walking, turning a corner.

She stopped near an open door. "Thanks for walking with me."

"No problem."

Neither moved until she saw her lecturer approaching and inwardly sighed. "Gotta go."

Taeyeon turned her head and saw the man. "Oh. Okay then." She smiled a little. "I'll see you."

"See you." She reluctantly stepped inside the class, keeping her eyes on Taeyeon for a few more seconds before she went to her seat, silently cursing the fact that the class had to start on time. She wanted to spend a little more time with Taeyeon even if it would just be awkwardly standing at the door next to each other.

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