Part 7

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Tiffany dragged her finger on the screen, refreshing her timeline once again. There was no new tweet. She sighed inwardly before locking the screen.

She couldn't focus on what the lecturer was saying. There had been no news from Taeyeon - no calls, texts, not even a tweet or a Facebook status update. And she hadn't seen her around campus either.

On one hand, it was a good thing. She really didn't know what to say if she saw her. Yet on the other hand, she couldn't deny that she wanted to see her. And she needed to know whether Taeyeon also still wanted to see her.

The other thing that was also bothering Tiffany was the dinner date that was originally scheduled for tonight. She knew Taeyeon had an afternoon class that day and she also knew that she could just go to the minimart after her lecture and hope to bump into Taeyeon like she did last week. But she decided against it. She still felt embarrassed.

The class suddenly became very noisy. She turned her head and saw her classmates standing up from their chairs, grabbing their books and bags. She followed suit, relieved to be leaving that room. She slowly made her way back to the dorm while her eyes scanned her surroundings like an eagle, activating her Taeyeon-radar. Unfortunately, she didn't see her anywhere.

She heaved a dejected sigh as she pushed the dorm building door open. "This is going to be one torturous weekend" she muttered under her breath.


The loud vibrating sound on her desk woke her up with a start.

She groaned, wiping her slightly wet chin. She had fallen asleep while working on her assignment.

She stretched, grabbed the phone and all drowsiness left her when she saw the name flashing on the screen. She thought she was dreaming.

She tapped the green button and slowly put the phone to her ear as it if could self-destruct if she didn't handle it with care. She listened quietly.


Tiffany heard the voice from the other side.


"Um... Tiffany?"


"It's me, Taeyeon."

"O-oh! Hi!" She face-palmed after hearing her over enthusiastic reply.

"Um... are you ready yet?"

"Huh?" She blinked.

"I'm at the door."

"W-what? What door?" She stood up from her chair, nearly toppling it backwards as she rushed to her door and opened it to see no one.

"Your building door."

"Oh." She closed her door again, grateful that no one had seen that stupid move. "What are you doing there?"

"Err... it's seven? I thought we had a date?"

She quickly looked at the clock on her desk and groaned. "I'm sorry! I fell asleep! Do you mind waiting for a bit?"

"No no. Take your time."

"You can wait inside if you want." She immediately regretted that. Her brain had started to replay what had happened the last time she let Taeyeon inside her room.

"Um... I-I think it's better if I just wait down here. I don't mind."

"Right. Okay. Give me five minutes." She hung up before Taeyeon could reply, throwing her phone onto the bed before grabbing her towel and a scrunchie. She tied up her hair, took her basket of toiletries and made a dash for the showers.

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